Finding inspiration for the new year

This week, We The People were given some inspiration through the examples of others. One source of inspiration is Chaya Raichik, the powerhouse behind the Twitter account LibsOfTikTok. Recently, she decided to take a weapon away from those who potentially could imperil her, even to the point of losing her livelihood.

Adam Coleman tells the story of why Raichik has put it all on the line for what she thinks is important and right. Coleman wrote "Even in anonymity, there’s the fear your secret will be uncovered, and that secret becomes the main weapon your opposition will threaten to bludgeon you with. Libs of TikTok creator Chaya Raichik decided to disarm her opponents by revealing her identity this week on Fox Nation’s 'Tucker Carlson Today.'"

One of the things that strengthened the early TEA Party was that there's strength in numbers. I remember the story of a woman in Manhattan who mustered up the courage to attend a "Tax Day TEA Party" event in Manhattan. When she got there, she was surprised at how many neighbors were there. What surprised her was that she thought many of her neighbors were liberals. They weren't.

The real-estate agent from Brooklyn built a huge following on Twitter and other social-media platforms by anonymously spotlighting progressives’ own voices, especially teachers bragging about bringing sex and gender-identity talk/indoctrination into their classrooms.

After she "stumbled upon this whole platform" of disturbing videos, she told Tucker, she thought, "I just need to disseminate this. It’s just so bizarre and dangerous. I just need as many people to see this as possible."

This paragraph especially stood out:
Sometimes in life, you’re called to do something that isn’t in your nature, compelled nevertheless because you believe it’s the right thing to do. The risk of ostracism, threats of physical harm and attacks on your character don’t measure up to the guilt you’d feel by ignoring your instinct to act.
When you're taught that this planet is just your temporary home, when you're taught that "Nature's God" is interested in you doing the right things for the right reasons (that last part is important), things get easier. That doesn't mean things get easy, just easier.

I rarely make New Year's Resolutions but I'm making an exception this year. This year, I'll intentionally look for opportunities to change the failed status quo of society, especially within government and within institutions.

It's time for We The People to speak out. There's strength in numbers. In this video, Kirk Cameron quoted Samuel Adams:

Cameron said "Samuel Adams made a great beer but he was an even better Founding Father. And he said "It does not take a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." Any student of the Bible knows that God often works with the remnant. When Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers, Israel was a prosperous nation. Years later, thanks to a famine, Israel's population had dropped to 70. By then, Joseph was essetially Pharoah's CEO. Joseph brought his family to Egypt until they grew to a population of 2,000,000 at the time of the Passover.

It's time for us to start lighting brushfires of liberty in the hearts of people in our neighborhoods, work places and the supermarkets. Let's be the people who spread inspiration.

That's a New Year's Resolution worth fighting for!


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