Anthony Fauci vs. Elon Musk

Elon Musk just sent a shot across the bow of the ship titled Lord Fauci. With just a single tweet, Elon Musk established a new world scientific order. Elon Musk said "New Twitter policy is to follow the science, which necessarily includes reasoned questioning of the science." Evolutionary Behavioral Scientist Gad Saad poked fun at Dr. Fauci, quipping "The science is anything that His Eminence Lord Fauci says it is. His Excellency is science." As much as that stung Dr. Fauci, Musk piled on, saying "Anyone who says that questioning them is questioning science itself cannot be regarded as a scientist."

Remember that Musk isn't just Twitter's CEO. He's also the man who started SpaceX, Tesla and Starlink. It's time to lower Dr. Fauci's reputation a few notches. He deserves it. The phrase "Not always right but never in doubt" fits Dr. Fauci perfectly. Fauci's pomposity is only exceeded by his certainty. Remember this infamous diatribe?

Wow! That's what a narcissist looks like. This is what sane people say:
Journalist David Martosko called upon followers to recognize Musk's announcement has massive implications. "Isn't it remarkable that this is a departure from what we've seen for many years?" he asked. "I hope it also means it will be acceptable to examine who's funding science and what kind of restrictions that places is on scientists."
I'm not a scientist but it seems to me that questioning things is a major part of science. There shouldn't be anything titled "settled science." Questioning theories isn't unhealthy. If someone proposes a theory that doesn't make sense, let scientists, not bureaucrats, decide what's worthwhile and what's junk.

As Dr. Fauci gained notoriety, Dr. Fauci became more self-righteous. Simply put, he became more certain of himself and less willing to listen to others. It's time for Dr. Fauci to leave public life. He's past his sell-by date.


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