A world without Mitch McConnell, Karl Rove & Donald Trump

Imagine a GOP without sourpusses like Karl Rove and Mitch McConnell. The GOP would be far better off. Better yet, picture a GOP where Rove and McConnell had major attitude adjustments. That'd be better yet.

I'm not telling GOP activists something they don't already know. Yesterday, Rove was interviewed by Paul Gigot from the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board. Like McConnell before him, Rove complained that the GOP Senate candidates weren't very good. That's an oft-repeated line that's been repeated 1,000 times too many.

I watched the debate between Blake Masters and Mark Kelly. Masters owned Kelly that night. I watched the Walker-Warnock debate. Warnock got owned that night, too. The candidate quality question is mostly a myth. The most important thing that was missing from those totally winnable races was support from McConnell's PAC. After Masters won his only debate with Kelly, McConnell pulled $9,000,000 in advertising from Masters' campaign.

I wasn't alone in thinking that McConnell intentionally sabotaged the campaigns of Trump's candidates. Many were the articles that I read that questioned whether McConnell preferred being the Senate Minority Leader with lots of squishes that did as they were told as opposed to being the Majority Leader with lots of legitimate conservatives who would challenge him.

The other thing that we got was the cheap shots from the peanut gallery from spoiled brats like Sen. Mitch McConnell. McConnell insisted that Republicans could win just by going negative. While there's no doubt that there was an overabundance of prime issues Republicans could highlight, there's no doubt that voters wanted more than just negativity. They were thirsty for solutions.

McConnell and Rove aren't team players, except when they're players from the Establishment. This video shows how biased and dishonest Sen. McConnell is:

Comparing Blake Masters, Don Bolduc and Herschel Walker with Todd Akin, Richard Murdock, Sharon Angle and Christine 'I'm not a witch' O'Donnell is intentionally dishonest. Akin and Murdock were terrible candidates that couldn't answer basic questions, especially on abortion. By McConnell's own standards, GOP Senate candidates in 2022 were infinitely better than in 2010. Had McConnell not withheld millions of dollars in Arizona, Geogia, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, the Senate might be in GOP control.

Sen. McConnell's animosity towards then-President Trump cost Republicans Senate races. It's unfortunate to say that Trump's tightfistedness with campaign funds cost Republicans races, too. Frankly, it's time to pitch Trump, Rove and McConnell overboard. They each have major flaws.


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