Will this be a one-and-done GOP majority?

I'll admit that, when I watched a snippet of James Comer's presser about the Hunter Biden investigation, I worried that this might be a one-and-done GOP majority. That's certainly the opinion of this column. Then again, it's published by the Seattle Times, one of the most leftist papers in the U.S. But I digress.

After the stock market closed, Larry Kudlow interviewed Kevin McCarthy as his first guest of the show. It didn't take long for Kudlow and McCarthy to start talking about prosperity through opening the spigot on energy, through reducing crime, which Kudlow characterized as "a prosperity killer." That's painfully obvious when you see major corporations hightailing it out of Chicago, New York and Seattle for Miami-Dade County.

It's apparent that Speaker McCarthy will focus on reducing inflation while growing the U.S. economy. What few liberals know is that McCarthy comes from a small business background. While I don't doubt that there will be important investigations, I'm confident that the balance of activity in the House will be at least 75% prosperity-focused and 25% investigations.

Further, I hope that House Republicans introduce a bill titled the 'Baby Formula supply chain restoration Act.' Biden and Schumer still haven't fixed that. Being on the side of moms with infants is always a winner.

Finally, let's hope that Republicans pass the Parents Bill of Rights and watch Democrats squirm. They know they can't support such a bill because the AFT and NEA would crucify them if they supported it.

Here's the Kudlow-McCarthy interview:

It's obvious that McCarthy will be a pro-prosperity Speaker. Yes, there will be investigations but there will be lots of pro-prosperity bills passed by this GOP House majority.

The biggest question is whether the media will mention all the bills passed by the House GOP that die in the Senate without Sen. Schumer acting on them. My recommendation to the GOP is line up trade organizations to pressure vulnerable Democrat senators for not acting on popular bills languishing on Sen. Schumer's desk. Further, I'd recommend that Speaker McCarthy insist on including the Baby Formula bill and the Let's Make Energy Cheap Again Act in the omnibus spending bill that funds the government. Let it be known that the House isn't as spineless as Mitch McConnell is in the Senate. Let it be known that House Republicans won't lie down just because Mitch cuts a pro-Democrat deal with Sen. Schumer or Joe Biden.

Finally, let it be known that House Republicans will fight for America's prosperity. That's the best way to ensure getting re-elected.


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