TIPP Poll results: Drill, Baby, Drill

When you look at some polls, you just know that they're worthless. Others, like this I&I-TIPP poll, seem bulletproof. The chief conclusion in the TIPP Poll is that "Americans overwhelmingly answer yes, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.

The poll "asked 1,359 adults the following question: 'What should government do to alleviate the diesel shortage?' The online I&I/TIPP Poll, taken from Nov. 2-4, has a margin of error of +/-2.8 percentage points."

According to the article:

Respondents were given, in order, the following possible responses. Responses 1 to 4 were randomized to avoid any order bias:
  1. "Encourage more drilling and refining of oil."
  2. "Keep imposing strict limits on carbon-based fuels to reduce climate change."
  3. "Return to the rules and standards for energy production that prevailed in 2020."
  4. "Tax oil companies if they don’t produce more oil."
  5. "Do nothing."
  6. "Not sure."
Here are the results:
Americans mostly favored No. 1, encourage more drilling and refining of oil to boost diesel and other fuel supplies. It garnered an overall response of 39%. A close second, at 36%, was "Return to the rules and standards for energy production that prevailed in 2020."
That's 75% of the people who want to return to Trump-era policies or who want a robust energy production plan. It was 14 years ago when former House Speaker Newt Gingrich came up with a plan that he titled "Drill here, drill now, pay less." Here's that video:

That's a catchy way of saying 'Increase supply and lower prices' or saying 'the right amount of dollars chasing the right amount of goods = lower inflation.'

The American people aren't PH.D.-level economists but they know the law of supply-and-demand.

Check this out:


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