Ron DeSantis vs. Juan Williams, culture wars battle edition

Juan Williams is on a roll lately. This time, he thinks that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is dangerous. Williams thinks Gov. DeSantis is dangerous because, in Williams' words, Gov. DeSantis loves "waging hard-right culture wars, to the point of taking on Disney on gay rights." Of course, Williams doesn't know what he's talking about.

Gov. DeSantis didn't pick a fight with Disney over gay rights. Gov. DeSantis simply signed a bill that stopped schools from teaching kindergarten through third grade students about topics like gender identity and gender fluidity. Gov. DeSantis simply wants parents to teach that type of thing to their children.

In fact, Gov. DeSantis thinks that parents should have the controlling say in what their children are taught. To Democrats, that thought is the stuff of nightmares. Democrats think that public teacher unions should have free reign in indoctrinating children.

Williams is frightened of Gov. DeSantis because Republicans often call DeSantis "Trump without the baggage." To Democrats, there's nothing more frightening than the thought of a politician who puts America's interests first, ahead Russia's, Iran's or China's interests first. To Democrats, it's frightening to think of a Republican who is eloquent and willing to question Democrat orthodoxy.

What Williams won't talk about is Gov. DeSantis ability to get Florida running again after Hurricane Ian. Check out this update from Gov. DeSantis:

According to NBC's report, "Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced that 95% of customers statewide have power after Hurricane Ian. DeSantis also said the Florida Department of Transportation deployed more than 130 trucks to begin working on the temporary bridge fix for Pine Island."

The truth is that Gov. DeSantis has figured out how to get the most out of his state. Repairs to natural disasters are finished quickly. Parents finally have a powerful ally in raising their children the right way.


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