Joe Biden's place in history

It's indisputable that Joe Biden is a profile in wimpiness. It's indisputable that he isn't worthy of fitting into JFK's "Profiles in Courage." We have multiple examples of why Joe Biden is a political hack.

In the early days of his vice-presidency, the Iranian people erupted in protests. It was titled the Green Revolution, Following President Obama's lead, VP Biden stayed silent on the Green Revolution. That's the first receipt proving Biden's profile in wimpiness.

Another receipt proving Biden's wimpiness is his almost nonexistent response to the Iranian people's latest uprising. Yet another Biden profile in wimpiness is Biden's kicking the can on the potential railroad strike into Congress's lap. Now, Biden's saying he' confident that the rail strike will be avoided. The NYPost Editorial Board said that the Biden administration offered "mere mush" in terms of pushback against China's threats against the Chinese people's anti-COVID protests. Mere mush apparently is what the Biden administration specializes in.

When Biden invited presidential historians into the White House, they urged him to "go big." They told him he could be the next FDR or LBJ. That's a joke. With crises breaking out across the world stage, what's needed is a JFK from the Cuban Missile Crisis.

In light of that comparison, Biden appears as mere mush compared with JFK. That's why Joe Biden's place in history will be more as a footnote rather than as a chapter. Finally, this episode highlights Biden's mere mush place in history:

Biden will look pretty insignificant compared with this historic presidential moment:

The simple truth is that Joe Biden is a footnote. JFK and Reagan are worthy of entire chapters each.


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