Joe Biden's losing fight, Barack Obama's lost fight

Barack Obama wasn't just famous for passing Obamacare. The 44th president was also famous for saying "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." Those sentences were judged by PolitiFact as the lie of the year. That happened when Democrats dominated Washington, DC.

Obamacare is terrible legislation because it didn't seek bipartisan input. It's proof that efficient government is foolish government. This Nation's Founding Fathers were wise in designing our governments to be difficult to overwhelm.

China is finding out the hard way that dictating is hard work. Glenn Reynolds highlights that fact in his latest column. Reynolds highlights the foolishness of autocratic government by highlighting Tom Friedman's wish, writing "New York Times columnist Tom Friedman famously wished we could be 'China for a Day' so we could implement 'the right solutions.'"

People were designed by our Creator with an unquenchable appetite for liberty. That's true whether they're living in the U.S.A., Iran or China. Here's more from Reynolds:

In a classic 'Star Trek' episode, a rogue sociologist infects a planet with Nazism because it was the most 'ruthlessly efficient' government in history. Bunk. Hitler did lots of stupid things, and there was no one who could stop him. His Germany was the scene of endless bureaucratic backstabbing, duplication and waste. (Stalin’s Soviet Union was at least as bad, for the same reasons.) Dictatorships may look dynamic because they can do things fast. The problem is they often do stupid things fast.
Without a free press keeping the public well-informed, it's inevitable that society crumbles. Efficient government doesn't equal good government.

On the opposite side of this liberty equation, Joe Biden hasn't stood for the universal virtues of liberty and self-determination:

What does the United States stand for? With Joe Biden in the White House, absolutely nothing.

Apparently, we don’t stand for freedom. As brave citizens in China desperately protest that country’s heinous lockdowns and censorship, a spokesman for the Biden administration says that the White House is "going to watch this closely."

We don’t stand against human rights abusers. As crippling energy prices threaten the president’s approval ratings, Biden’s emissaries travel to Venezuela, allowing an easing of sanctions and resumed oil exports from a murderous regime that happens to have the world’s largest oil reserves.

Biden is too obsessed with diplomacy to stand against oppression. Biden said that his administration would stand against human rights abuses. Bunk. He's been silent against the CCP's abuse of Uyghur Muslims in China. He's been silent against Iranian mullahs oppressing their people. Likewise, Biden has been silent while protesters risk their lives throughout China. This is what one-party rule leads to:


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