Happy late-in-the-day Thanksgiving

 Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I just finished my mid-afternoon Thanksgiving feast with my fantastic new roommates. Valee and Deanna did the cooking and the decorating. Saying that everything was picture-perfect is understatement.

This year, I'm super-thankful for both Valee and Dee. They're fantastic ladies. Most importantly, they've turned this house (which I've lived in since Christmas of 1962) into a home. Val did most of the cooking, with Dee making the pumpkin pie and the green bean casserole. Dee started putting up the Christmas decorations, too. Like I said, everything looks picture-perfect.

Though we've been through quite a lot the last 2-3 years, it's always possible to find lots of things to be thankful for. Ronald Reagan once told Johnny Carson that if Americans counted up our troubles, then multiplied them by 3, we'd still be far better off than any other country in the world. I totally agree.

Let's thank the Lord for how He's blessed this nation both in terms of material goods and in terms of our relationships and communities.


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