Elizabeth Warren vs. Hillary Vaughn, total mismatch edition

When Fox Business Correspondent Hillary Vaughn caught up with Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren in the hallway, it figured to be a mismatch. Unfortunately for Sen. Warren, she chose to open her mouth and make a fool of herself. This reminds us of the old saying 'better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

Vaughn asked Sen. Warren about Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter. Sen. Warren replied, "Elon Musk is doing just fine" before adding "One human being should not be able to go into a dark room by himself and decide 'Oh, that person gets heard from, that person doesn't.' That’s not how it should work."

That's interesting considering Sen. Warren's silence in October, 2020 when Jack Dorsey unilaterally shut down the NYPost article about Hunter Biden's "Laptop from Hell." Elon Musk isn't going into a dark room by himself (or with others) and deciding which person's account is shut down and which person's account keeps running.

This isn't a perfect copy of what happened but it's close:

Here's the video via Twitter: Hillary Vaughn is smooth in how she asks questions. Elizabeth Warren thinks she's forever in Massachusetts, where any lame-brained response suffices. This is what happens when Democrats wander outside their faculty lounges.


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