Circular firing squad, House GOP edition

It's time for the spoiled brats in the House GOP Conference to grow up. Led by Andy Biggs and Matt Gaetz, these so-called principled conservatives should be considered prima donnas who threaten blowing up the House GOP conference after losing the primary by a score of 188-31.

The Prima Donna wing of the House GOP got 14% of the vote. The Commitment to America is filled with things that they support. Despite that, these prima donnas aren't satisfied. Shame on these spoiled brats. Perhaps it's time to primary these spoiled brats. They might still win but at least they'll get the message that they're supposed to be part of a team in addition to representing their districts.

If Biggs, Gaetz and others from the Prima Donna Wing of the House GOP vote present, then that gives Speaker-in-Waiting McCarthy a little more margin for error. At that point, McCarthy would only need 213 votes to gain the Speaker's Gavel.

Rep. Bob Good, (R-VA), recently said "Kevin McCarthy has done nothing in two years to earn my vote." It sounds like he'd rather be in the minority. The past 2 years, McCarthy raised $480,000,000 for the NRCC, campaigned tirelessly for GOP candidates nationwide empowered working groups to put together the items that comprise the Commitment to America. What did Good, Gaetz or Biggs do to create this GOP majority?

It's time for these spoiled brats to put winning ahead of their over-sized egos.

Biggs admitted in this interview that he doesn't have a plan other than to obstruct:

A little over 3 minutes into the interview, Biggs floats the idea of a consensus candidate. It's telling that he didn't mention the name for that consensus candidate. Biggs ran and lost in a lopside race. Now he's upset that he didn't win. How many candidates did he recruit? How much money did he raise for other candidates? Other than winning his race, what did he do to create this new GOP majority?

As for the rule changes he's proposing, they're nuttier than a batch of fruit cake. They essentially call for neutering the Speaker. They call for putting the power in the hands of committee chairs. How can a Speaker negotiate with the president when his conference is divided? That's a recipe for disaster.


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