Wisconsin Democrats' dirty tricks

If you're a student of Milwaukee politicking, you'll know that corruption and dirty tricks are part of that city's playbook. In that context, it isn't surprising to find out that Milwaukee Democrats are up to their old tricks. The article opens by saying "We now know that Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson and his staff are coordinating with Democratic Party operatives in a sweeping get-out-the-vote campaign. Why? Because they tell us in private text messages."

Deeper into the article, it reports of text messages being sent. It continues, saying "While city officials, under the direction of Chheda, have said Milwaukee is not receiving any private funding for the effort, two things are clear. The mayor’s office is taking orders from Democratic Party operatives, and the city of Milwaukee is coordinating with left-wing groups in what looks like an expensive effort to influence the outcome of November’s election."

The Republican Party of Wisconsin isn't asleep at the switch:

Late Wednesday, the Republican Party of Wisconsin (RPW) filed a lawsuit in Milwaukee County Circuit Court challenging the city’s "Milwaukee Votes 2022" initiative. RPW alleges government resources and personnel appear to be involved in assisting Democratic-aligned organizations, such as GPS Impact, in their GOTV efforts.
Check out this report:

Notice the tight wording of this statement:
"Absolutely no work has taken place from the Mayor's office that supported candidates or political parties. I have not seen -- nor am I aware -- of anything that was done that violated the law."
Next, check this out:
Fleming and Claire Woodall-Vogg, executive director of the Milwaukee Election Commission, were also involved in the text chain.

"Claire, Could we gather at City Hall at 1:30 to chat? I think 30 minutes would be enough," Chheda asks.

"Fine by me. Where at CH?" Fleming responds.

"Claire’s office? Claire if that works for you, we will come to your office?" Chheda writes.

Woodall-Vogg responds, "Good for me."

"OK, just to confirm we are meeting at Claire’s office, the election commission, at 1:30 PM today, 5th floor city hall. I’m not sending a calendar invite, see you there," Chheda orders.

"Agenda will include content of remarks for Monday, from various sources, as well as figuring out the plan on the advisory and pitching. We also want to make sure we’re informing our stakeholders and partners. Claire can you please send me those materials we discussed, the list of groups that you’re talking to, and anything from the Milwaukee Votes event from earlier this year."

It definitely sounds like Milwaukee City Hall is being used for partisan purposes. I won't say that this is proof of the Democrats' desperation. I'll just say that this is who Democrats are.


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