Tim Walz, reluctant tax cutter edition

Tim Walz is an enthusiastic self-promoter but he's a reluctant tax-cutter. Fox9 News, aka KMSP-TV, fact-checked a new Walz ad and found it wanting. The article quotes Walz as saying "I'm fighting to put money back in pockets by sending checks up to $2,000 to help Minnesotans with rising costs."

As the election gets closer, Gov. Walz's tune has changed multiple times. (Imagine that. LOL) According to the article, "In January, Walz proposed $175 checks per adult. In March, after state economists said the surplus would be larger than expected, the DFL governor increased the size of his check proposal to $500 per adult. But neither the House nor Senate passed rebate checks before the session ended in late May."

Walz wasn't finished with his one-time tax rebate checks. "In June, Walz upped the ante to $1,000 per adult but never called lawmakers back for a special session because Republicans oppose rebate checks." Republicans oppose rebate checks because Minnesota needs tax reform. Minnesotans don't need a gimmicky one-time band-aid rebate check.

According to this MMB report, the November, 2021 projected surplus was $7,746,000,000. The February, 2022 forecast projected a $9,253,000,000 surplus.

This is KMSP-TV's fact-check segment:

During the last budget year, Walz proposed major tax increases despite a significant projected budget surplus. That projected surplus actually grew, which led Republicans to correctly understand that Minnesotans are definitely significantly overtaxed.


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