Herschel Walker vs. Raphael Warnock, debate edition

Going into Friday night's debate between Herschel Walker and Raphael Warnock, few political pundits gave Mr. Walker much of a chance of winning the debate or the race. Friday night's fight turned into a fist fight, thanks to Mr. Walker taking the fight to Sen. Warnock most of the night.

One of the times Mr. Walker went on offense was on the subject of abortion. After Sen. Warnock said "A patient's room is too...cramped a space for a woman, her doctor, and the US government," Walker replied that "There's a baby in the room, too" before finishing by saying that Warnock wants the government to pay for the abortion, which means that the US government is in the room after all.

Walker's no-backing-down attitude caught Sen. Warnock off-guard more than once. This might've been Walker's best moment of the debate:

This lengthy post-debate interview speaks volumes about Mr. Walker:

The other 'candidate' on stage last night was Joe Biden. Herschel Walker mentioned that Sen. "Warnock voted with Joe Biden 96% of the time" at least 3-5 times. Tying Sen. Warnock to Biden was definitely part of Mr. Walker's strategy. In my opinion, that strategy was effective.


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