Fake News New York Times poll

It's impossible to take this NYTimes-Siena Poll seriously. After looking at the poll's findings, I checked my calendar to see if it wasn't April 1, not Oct. 31. The way that I'm treating the NYTimes' fake poll is by promising to round up as many right-thinking neighbors as possible, then heading to vote.

Democrats are obviously incapable of telling the truth so it's time to punish them for their dishonesty. I'd think of this as the political equivalent of washing their mouth out with soap. But I digress.

Let's talk about the poll's artificial findings, starting with Pennsylvania. The NYTimes's post-debate poll shows Lt. Gov. Fetterman with a 6-point lead. Please don't treat me like this is a re-reading of Alice in Wonderland. People didn't watch that debate, then say 'this guy isn't fit to pass a 5th-grade reading test. Let's make him a U.S. Senator.'

It'd be one thing if one of these states showed a significant jump. Instead, all 4 of these important battleground states show a dramatic improvement. Check this out:

At this stage of the campaign, the odds of getting 1 of these findings is slim. The odds of gettingn all 4 to come out in the Democrats' favor by these margins is astronomical. I don't see a reason why this should be considered a real poll. It's more reasonable to think of it as another fake news story. At this point, I'm predicting Republicans to win at least 3 of those 4 races. This analysis is whimsical:


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