Will Angie Craig criticize Nancy Pelosi?

Apparently, Angie Craig isn't willing to stand up to Nancy Pelosi, the lame-duck Speaker. Pelosi's PAC is running a rather dishonest ad. According to this article, 2 TV stations have given Pelosi's attack ad a rather negative rating. KSTP's Fact Check gave Pelosi's PAC's an F. "A Fox 9 fact check called the ad 'misleading,' taking issue with its claim that Kistner "would help Republicans ban abortion for the whole country."

Angie Craig isn't a moderate. She's a hard-wired progressive. Craig's campaign is doing its best to avoid talking about runaway inflation, rampant crime and the chaotic border. It isn't a stretch to say that her campaign is all-about-abortion-all-of-the-time.

FYI- "To get an 'F' grade [in KSTP's Truth Test], more than half the information in an ad must be 'outright false or misleading or out of context.'" KSTP’s Truth Test's statement says "After an extensive online search and even email exchanges with Democratic Rep. Angie Craig’s campaign, which did not produce this ad but has made similar claims, there is no evidence Kistner has been caught on video or in written form saying he opposes abortions under those extreme circumstances."

With all due respect to KSTP and KMSP, aka Fox9, that's missing the point. Democrats don't care about the truth. With Democrats, it's about the seriousness of the allegations:

Remember the October Surprise and remember Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill, folks. Remember the left’s battle cry: "The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters."
There were questions about Anita Hill's testimony at the hearing. When Arlen Specter highlighted those questions with his crossexamination of Hill, Democrats jumped to Hill's defense, saying that it wasn't just about the evidence but also about the seriousness of the charges.

This is Theo Keith's fact check of an attack ad running against Kistner:

The Minnesota GOP also released a statement on the ad, calling it a "blatant lie."

"We are glad KSTP is calling out the latest Democrat lie. Democrats are desperately trying to make this election about abortion because they know they can’t defend their failed records on the economy and public safety — their only option is to intentionally mislead the people they claim to represent," said communications director Nick Majerus.

Angie Craig isn't a moderate. She's voted for every major spending bill that Democrats put forward. She's voted for $5.00/gallon gas and 10% inflation. No amount of Pelosi spin will change that.


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