The Sunny Hostin vs. Nikki Haley fight

Sunny Hostin is trying to elevate herself into a position to Nikki Haley's position. Thus far, Hostin's fight isn't going well. When thinking about the Hostin-Haley fight, I'm reminded of G. Gordon Liddy's famous line that he wouldn't have "a battle of wits with an unarmed man." In this instance, Hostin is the unarmed man.

Appearing on the Faulkner Focus to discuss the controversy, Haley said "It's not the first time, and it won't be the last time that the hosts of 'The View' come after me or that liberals come after me in… whatever way. They can't stand the fact that a minority female would be a conservative Republican." Then she really unloaded on Hostin, saying "Sunny is not her name. Nikki is my name. It is on my birth certificate. It is an Indian name, and I embrace my Indian heritage. I have written two books that describe the struggles that my family had, what it was like growing up. You're not going to see her fired from that show. We're not even going to see an apology from that show because they let liberals say that about conservative Republican minorities all the time, but yet nothing is done. Had this been said about a Democrat, all hell would have broken loose."

This isn't about Ambassador Haley's ethnicity. That's the pretense that's being used to virtue-signal to America that minorities are traitors to their community if they don't toe the Democrats' line. Watch Haley obliterate Hostin in this interview:

Hostin is typical of liberal minority women in that she's like liberal minority men. They think that the rest of the people can't think for themselves. This is what minority racism looks like: What a thoroughly snotty attitude.


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