Scott Jensen's education plan

This week at the State Fair, Scott Jensen and Matt Birk unveiled their 10-point education plan. Included in their 10-point plan is "a Minnesota Parents’ Bill of Rights."

In describing their Parents' Bill of Rights, the Jensen-Birk team wrote "Parental involvement and their right to know curriculum is fundamental to accountability and engagement for student success. We will establish a transparent portal system for parents to review curriculum, literature and books used in school districts and classrooms across Minnesota, ensure parents have a mechanism to voice concerns and give feedback to their local school board regarding education policies, curriculum and instructional plans and practices. We will provide greater transparency and information about academic performance by bringing back school-based report cards, connect data systems across secondary, postsecondary and workforce - to track progress and outcomes of services and programs."

Predictably, the DFL offered its criticism of the Jensen-Birk plan. "A spokesman for Democratic incumbent Tim Walz calls Jensen's plan 'radical' and 'extreme.'" Considering the fact that the DFL is owned by the Education Minnesota cartel that squashes competition and prohibits excellence, the DFL's statement isn't surprising.

It's just disappointing that a political party in the 21st Century would state with such obedience that they're opposed to transparency and parental involvement.

Here's another important feature of the Jensen-Birk Plan:

Make Minnesota Schools Safer
Ensure every school has a successful safety plan, tools, a safety team and training to identify students who may have mental health issues or are prone to violence. Minnesota is one of the worst states for school counselors and resources for students suffering from mental health issues. We will provide resources by partnering with state, county, non-profit, law enforcement, churches and others to assist with this crisis. In addition, a student who attacks a teacher or staff member should be immediately removed from class until an investigation can be conducted and remedy implemented. All teachers and staff should be cross trained to be aware of students suffering from mental health issues. We will create standardized protocols to identify and assist students who may be in need. Allow teachers and key staff to know criminal backgrounds of violent students who may have potential to harm others.
Here's another important part of the Jensen-Birk plan:
Keep Politics and Divisive Curriculums Out of the Classroom 
It is time to ban Critical Race Theory based standards being proposed by the Walz Administration and return input/approval of standards to the parents, teachers and elected officials that can hold bureaucrats accountable (Until 2008, the ten-year review of education standards was subject to approval by the legislature. This is no longer the case). Parents, students, teachers, the public and elected officials must have authority of development and approval of this curriculum restored.
The Critical Race Theory-based proposed standards from Walz-appointed bureaucrats divides us by race and culture, elevating one-above-all-others in their proposals. The Walz proposals are veering into political correctness, divisive curriculums and single-issue topics that don’t respect all cultures (see references in newly proposed Minnesota Math Standards).
Only the DFL would think that greater transparency, greater parental involvement, increased classroom safety and a focus on shrinking the achievement gap is radical and extreme. Most Minnesota parents would think that's their expectation.

It's time to abandon the status quo ship that the Walz-Flanagan-DFL ticket is offering. It's time for a change.

Here's the full plan:


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