Introducing the Foundation for Minnesota's Future

This morning, I found an email in my inbox from an organization titled the Foundation for Minnesota's Future. The intent of the email was to introduce me to the Foundation's existence and to inform me that they had put together an ad criticizing Minnesota's DFL Gov. Tim Walz. More on the ad later.

When I went to the Foundation's website, I read the frontpage. At the top of the page was a category titled Rise in Crime Rate.

In the text below the headline, it said "As of June of this year in the City of Minneapolis alone the murder rate has risen by 83% and overall violent crime is up 21%. It’s no secret that the rise in crime is part due to the embrace of the 'Defund the Police' ideology of a few extremists in state and local government. Governor Walz specifically appears to be beheld by these extremists. In the early stages of the riots last year Governor Walz refused to provide adequate resources to law enforcement to put a stop to riots in Minneapolis. His lack of leadership enabled lawlessness that continues to this day. The radical anti-police movement has made Minnesota less safe."

Former state Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen, now the Chair of the Foundation for Minnesota's Future made this statement:

"Our message is clear, Governor Walz's inability to lead has put Minnesota in a position where families are stretched to afford basic groceries and communities are under constant threat of rampant carjackings, robberies and gun violence. It's absolute madness and Governor Walz should have to answer to the public for his failed policies that have made life in Minnesota unaffordable, unsafe, and unrecognizable."
While the DFL special interest groups, led by the Alliance for a Better Minnesota, the DFL and Gov. Walz run a blizzard of dishonest ads about Dr. Scott Jensen's intent to make abortion illegal in Minnesota, crime rages out of control. Last Friday night, shots were fired at the Richfield High School homecoming football game:

If that isn't proof that the DFL is out-of-touch with Minnesota, I don't know that proof exists. Under Walz's lack of leadership, violent crime has skyrocketed. This year, carjackings became a new category on the Bureau of Criminal Apprehensions report. Now for the Foundation's ad:

KSTP is reporting this now: If chaotic and dangerous aren't the first words you'd use to describe Minnesota, you need a new thesaurus. This isn't just chaotic and dangerous. It's out-of-control, too.


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