Democrats follow no-debate script

There's an unmistakable trend with Democrats running for the Senate. It's the same whether they're running for re-election or whether they're running for an open seat. That trend is to run from debates in the hopes of hiding their hideous voting record.

The latest Democrats to chicken out of debating are Patty Murray and John Fetterman. Sen. Murray isn't interested in debating Tiffany Smiley because Smiley isn't afraid of the press, just like she isn't afraid of calling Murray a "do-nothing" politician.

Meanwhile, the media is protecting Sen. Murray by caving to Murray's demand that Murray and Smiley do separate Zoom interviews. Smiley didn't tolerate that, telling the editorial board "you covered for her, accepting her demands and changing the format to help insulate Patty Murray from any sort of tough questioning. But because you won’t hold Patty Murray accountable, I will." Good for Tiffany Smiley. Sen. Murray hasn't accomplished anything of consequence. She shouldn't be treated like royalty.

Then there's John Fetterman. Fetterman lived off his rich mommy and daddy until age 49. What's worse is that he was raising a family at the time. He still hasn't had a real job, though he's pretended to be a liberal populist.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is defending Fetterman against Dr. Oz:

Now that Mr. Fetterman has thrown down the gauntlet, it’s time for Mr. Oz to call off his attack dogs. The Republican celebrity doctor’s campaign continues to mock Mr. Fetterman’s commitment to debate as meaningless until the details are released. Those details are exactly what Mr. Oz’s campaign should be working on with Mr. Fetterman’s campaign — not lobbing further accusations.
Wow! Fetterman says he'll debate Dr. Oz sometime at least a month after early voting has started. That constitutes throwing down the gauntlet for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Dr. Oz doesn't accept that opinion: Murray and Fetterman aren't the only Democrats who are afraid of debating. Here in Minnesota, Gov. Tim Walz is afraid of debating Dr. Scott Jensen, especially after Dr. Jensen trounced Walz in a debate at Farmfest in August. Joe Biden isn't interested in talking with real reporters. It's been 208 days since he did a sit-down interview. But I digress. Here's Dr. Oz sitting down for an interview with Harris Faulkner:

Before that, Dr. Oz submitted himself to an interview with Bret Baier:

Faulkner and Baier are 2 of the best interviewers in the business. Oz didn't hesitate. He answered their questions on point. He didn't attempt to dodge their questions. That's what a confident man does. What Walz, Murray, Fetterman and Biden are doing is what do-nothing cowards do. Cowards don't represent their constituents. They represent their party. We don't need do-nothing politicians. We need statesmen and men of integrity.


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