Christopher Wray's FBI, Federal Bureau of Intimidation edition

It's painfully apparent that Christopher Wray's FBI isn't a federal law enforcement organization. What's apparent is that it's a federal intimidation bureau. That's painfully apparent after reading this article about an early morning raid on a pro-life activist. Whether you're pro-life or pro-choice, the FBI's behavior isn't anything to be tolerated.

The article opens by saying "A well-known pro-life author, sidewalk counselor, and father of seven was the latest victim of a U.S. Department of Justice-sponsored SWAT raid and arrest, for supposed 'FACE Act' violations, at his rural home as his children looked on 'screaming.'"

That's rich, especially considering the fact that the "incident ... had already been thrown out of the District Court in Philadelphia but was somehow picked up by Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice." This isn't law enforcement. It's outright intimidation.

Mark Houck, the man arrested by the FBI, "is the founder and president of The King’s Men, which promotes healing for victims of pornography addiction and promotes Christian virtues among men in the United States and Europe." For that, I suspect, he's been classified as a domestic terrorist.

Then there's this:
"After they had taken Mark, and the kids were all screaming that he was their best friend, the [FBI agents on her porch] kind of softened a bit. I think they realized what was happening. Or maybe they actually looked at the warrant," Ryan-Marie explained. "They looked pretty ashamed at what had just happened."
NOTE TO JIM JORDAN: When you become the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, I hope you investigate the Biden-Wray weaponization of the FBI. Further, I hope that you investigate why so many SWAT team raids were made on people like Mr. Houck. These gun-toting officers didn't do this on their own. Who inside the Philadelphia office gave (or transmitted) the orders to SWAT Houck's home? Depositions must be taken to lock in these officers' testimony. A public committee hearing limits each person to 5-minute rounds of questioning. This type of investigation requires longer rounds of questioning.

This should be the first step in determining how the Biden administration weaponized the FBI. Invite whistleblowers to come forward, just like they've done in other investigations. Let them know that they'll be protected, just like they've been in the past.


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