The GOP's hidden midterm advantage

Since just after Joe Biden's victory in 2020, I've paid lots of attention to school boards, starting with Loudoun County, Virginia. It started as an uprising. It grew into a revolt. Then it blossomed into a full-blown movement of highly motivated parents.

From there, the movement spread into the Dallas, TX suburbs. Finally, it's taken root in Florida. Tonight, Ron Desantis's endorsed candidates for Florida school boards totally outperformed expectations. Tonight, 25 of the 30 school board candidates endorsed by Gov. Desantis, (R-FL), won their races.

According to Kira Davis's article, "Of the 30 candidates endorsed by DeSantis, 25 won their races. A few boards had the potential to flip from liberal to conservative, and flip they did. Sarasota County flipped their school board from a 3-2 liberal majority to a 4-1 conservative majority. The Miami Dade school board also flipped their majority from liberal to conservative, making them the largest county in America to boast a conservative school board."

To use a modified Joe Biden cliche, "That's a big effing deal." While the NYTimes and the Washington Post talk about Joe Biden getting his mojo back, activists like Kira Davis and Karol Markowicz quietly write about school board races and the effect they're having on voter turnout, voter registration and the things that pundits are missing in their midterm elections. This is the activist 'couple' that brought victory to Glenn Youngkin:

This is an organization that I hadn't heard of before but that obviously is support-worthy: I'm making a prediction right here about this year's midterm elections tonight. Crime and education/school choice will be 2 of the 3 biggest issues for voters. Further, education/school choice will be major winners for Republicans if they choose to run on these issues.

HINT TO GOP: Don't forget these voters. Gov. DeSantis didn't. Look what type of position he's in to win re-election in against a former GOP governor.

These parents are already part of the GOP winning coalition. Put together a parent-friendly agenda, then do what you promise. If you do that, you'll own the suburbs for a decade. That's a midterm election advantage.


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