Proof that Ron Klain is a liar

There's spin and then there's lying. What KJP does most of the time during the WH daily press briefings is spin. What Ron Klain, Biden's Chief of Staff, did in this article is outright lying. In one paragraph, Klain said "We now have a presidency where the president has delivered the largest economic recovery plan since Roosevelt, the largest infrastructure plan since Eisenhower, the most judges confirmed since Kennedy, the second-largest health care bill since Johnson and the largest climate change bill in history… The first time we've done gun control since President Clinton was here, the first time ever an African American woman has been put on the U.S. Supreme Court… I think it’s a record to take to the American people."

The first question I have for Mr. Klain is simple. Are any of these things important to the American people? Are people paying less for groceries? As a result of this bill, will people pay less for heating their homes this winter than they paid last winter?

Klain said that this "president has delivered the largest economic recovery program since Roosevelt." If that's what he thinks, I'd love hearing him explain why we went from GDP growing by 33.5% in Q3 of 2020, 4.8% in Q4 of 2020 and 6.5% in Q1 of 2021 under Trump to GDP shrinking by 1.6% in Q1 of 2022 and .9% in Q2 of 2022.

That's going from prolific, record-setting growth under Trump to a shrinking economy with Biden. That isn't spin. That's outright dishonesty. Let's remember this November how Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act last week, then immediately highlighted it as fighting climate change, lowering health care costs and raising taxes on corporations. How many people were worried about raising taxes on corporations or fighting climate change? Would that figure be counted in the hundreds or thousands?

"Elections are choices, and the choice just couldn’t be any clearer right now," Klain said. "Democrats have stood up to the big special interests. They stood up to the big corporations and insisted that all corporations pay minimum taxes, stood up to the big oil companies and passed climate change legislation.

"They stood up to Big Pharma and passed prescription drug legislation. They stood up to the gun industry and passed gun control legislation. Things that this city [was] unable to deliver on for decades because the special interests had things locked down, Joe Biden and his allies in Congress have been able to deliver on," he added.

Democrats didn't stand up to Randi Weingarten and the AFT. Democrats worked with the National School Board Association, aka the NSBA, to get the DOJ to have parents classified as "domestic terrorists." Democrats created the next batch of companies that will fail like Solyndra, the company that got $500,000,000 in loan guarantees, then went bankrupt. Solyndra's board was filled with Obama bundlers. They made off like bandits. Please don't pretend that Democrats stand up for the little guy when they're standing up for Soros-funded DAs and ignoring crime-riddled streets. Then there's this:
"I think that choice [is] between a party that’s standing up to the special interests and delivering change, and … an extreme party, a party that’s talking about, well, some of the leaders talking about abolishing Social Security and Medicare every five years," he said. "The extreme nature of our opponents, whether it's with regard to democracy or Social Security, are all part of a movement that is just very different than we’ve seen in recent years in this country."
When I hear Democrats whine about Republicans wanting to abolish Social Security and/or Medicare, I think of this:

This is the next thing I think of:

Some things change. Expecting Democrats to stop lying about Social Security and Medicare is foolish. Period.


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