Introducing Tom Weiler, @Issue edition

This morning, Tom Weiler, the GOP candidate for Minnesota's Third Congressional District, met with Tom Hauser for an interview. It was the first time I'd seen Mr. Weiler. I came away impressed with him. In the segment after the interview, former DFL State Party Chair Brian Melendez described Rep. Dean Phillips, Mr. Weiler's DFL opponent, as a moderate.

On every major piece of Joe Biden's agenda, Rep. Phillips has voted with the Squad, Pramila Jayapal and all the other Democrat socialists in Congress. Rep. Phillips talks like a moderate but votes like a hardline Marxist.

Further, Phillips is a member of the Problem Solvers Caucus, though he hasn't solved a single problem nor has he proposed anything to fix inflation, curb crime or produce prosperity. With Phillips, being part of the Problem Solvers Caucus is just a box to be checked to prove that he's a moderate.

I don't buy that Phillips is a moderate. Hall of Fame NFL Coach Bill Parcells once famously said that a team's record showed how good they were. I think the same principle applies to politics. Phillips has a voting record. He wants to sound moderate but loves to vote radical.

Meanwhile, Tom Weiler served our nation with distinction. He operated submarines. He isn't afraid of touting his principles and accomplishments.  He hasn't hesitated in fibbing about the Inflation Reduction Act. That's what he did in this interview:

Phillips said that the IRA, as it's now being called, reduces the deficit by $300,000,000,000. That's only true if you think that Phillips will vote to stop the $250,000,000,000 in Obamacare subsidies after a 3 year extension. I'm betting that he'll vote to extend it into perpetuity. The other 7 years of the subsidies exceed $500,000,000,000. So much for the deficit reduction. Rep. Phillips is as much of a political hack as Mr. Melendez.


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