Have Democrats regained the momentum?

Liberal pundits, starting with Axios co-founder Mike Allen, insist that Democrats had a pretty good week last week. While it's easy to say that Democrats got a win when they passed the Chips Act and reached an agreement on the Joe Manchin forces Democrats to walk the plank Act, that doesn't mean that Democrats won't get hurt by the Manchin-Schumer bill.

While the WSJ Editorial Board takes a traditionalist perspective on the state of the GOP red tsunami in yesterday's editorial, the truth is that Manchin's bill isn't doing Democrats any favors. The worst time to raise taxes right before an election.

The only time that isn't true is when you raise taxes right before an election as you slide into a recession. (Yes, we're in a recession. If you want to call it a harpoon or a missile instead of a recession, that's fine. Democrats don't care about words' definitions.) But I digress.

This past weekend, Herschel Walker invited Raphael Warnock to debate the Manchin bill in August. Rev. Warnock didn't hesitate to reject Walker's offer. I don't blame him for rejecting the invitation. This isn't the turf Warnock wants to fight on.

Republicans running against the vulnerable Democrats in Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia and New Hampshire should push this specific issue. They should challenge Democrats to debate them on the merits of this bill. Put Democrats on the defensive.

Tim Ryan has been portraying himself as a conservative. J.D. Vance should invite him to debate the merits of this bill. It's time to expose Ryan as the progressive that he is. Pressure him on whether he'll vote for the Manchin bill. Then ask him why he voted 100% of the time with Joe Biden in 2021. It's time to make these Democrats squirm.

I wish I could take credit for this strategy but I can't. Newt Gingrich unveiled this idea last night:

Let's make these Democrats own this Manchin bill. Within a week, Joementum will be dead and the red tsunami will be inevitable.


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