Republicans' highest midterm priority

Monday afternoon, Newt Gingrich sat down for a conversation with Larry Kudlow. In the last 2 minutes of the interview, Newt said that it's essential to win back the House and Senate but that it's most important that Republicans win the battle of ideas. Exactly right, Newt!

While it's important that Republicans lay out an agenda for the nation, it's essential that Republican prove that Democrat policies don't work. In the interview, Newt said "We're probably going to win the House and Senate. The question is what lesson will the country have learned? If all that this country has learned is that these guys are incompetent, we haven't won much. But if the country comes to realize that, with the right campaign over the next 4 months, that it's their ideas that are wrong, that it's their policies that are wrong. This is what Margaret Thatcher did to socialism in Great Britain. She destroyed it as an alternative and no left-wing labor leader has been prime minister in 40 years."

Lady Thatcher lived by the motto 'First, you win the argument, then you win the vote.' Republicans don't just need to whip the vote. They need to persuade America that their policies work. Further, Republicans need to show that they're listening to the American people about their problems. Finally, Republicans need to show people that prosperity is directly tied to their family's liberty.

Here's the interview:


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