Newt Gingrich on Senate midterm strategy

Newt Gingrich's election analysis has always been some of the best in the business. When he wrote this article on the Senate Republicans' strategy this midterm, I paid attention. The article can be summarized as 'Go big or go home.'

In the article, Gingrich wrote "There is a lot more confusion about the U.S. Senate races. Republicans are handwringing and Democrats are hopeful as they think through the state-by-state races for U.S. Senate.

But there’s a flaw in the popular Senate race analysis. Most people are thinking about Senate races as small, individual contests. When you think of each race as small and individual, there is hope the Democrats could keep the current 50-50 split – or lose only a few seats. This kind of small race analysis emphasizes candidate quality, money raised, and current polling (that is inconclusive at best).

If the 2022 Senate elections are analyzed and run as a big, nationalized races, the Democrats will likely lose the Senate by a wide margin."

I'd summarize each race like this. If you want a reliable vote for $5/gallon gas and 10% inflation, vote Democrat. We know that's what they'll do because that's what they've already done. Strip away all other niceties or considerations. Boil the message down to the things families care about most. Right now, that's inflation and high gas prices.

When you have 9.1 percent inflation (compared to 1.4 percent inflation when Donald Trump left office), Democrat candidates at any level should feel like they are in trouble. The highest price of gasoline in history (more than double the price two years ago) does not help them.
In the northeast and northwest, highlight crime, too. People living there are sick of feeling unsafe. A lengthy explanation isn't required. Still, it's important that conservatives make the case that we're listening to the people, that we're interested in improving their lives and that the Democrats' ideas have failed. That's what Newt did in this interview:

And those aren’t the only problems Americans are seeing and feeling everyday. Add skyrocketing murder, rape, and robbery rates; millions of people entering the country illegally receiving taxpayer-funded benefits, and continuing labor and supply chain disruptions caused by destructive government programs. Further, consider the unpopular cultural policies being implemented by federal bureaucrats with aggressive agendas.
If ever there was a time to nationalize an election, it's right now. Inflation is high nationwide. Border security is Issue 1A to inflation in the southwest. In the Pacific Northwest, Chicago and NYC, crime is Issue 1A to inflation. In Pennsylvania and Ohio, energy independence is Issue 1A. Push Lt. Gov. Fetterman on fracking and inflation. He's a greenie socialist. What are the odds of that playing well in Pennsylvania?

This is Newt's opening statement before the House Budget Committee hearing:

Democrats gave us 9% inflation and $5 a gallon gas. By October arrives, we'll probably add a recession to that list of 'accomplishments.' Ask people if they want another reliable vote for high gas prices and stagnation. I'm betting they'll opt for the alternative.


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