Elizabeth Warren knows that she's losing the abortion fight

If you need proof that the pro-abortionists are losing, this article provides that proof. In the article, Sen. Warren is quoted as saying "In Massachusetts right now, those crisis pregnancy centers that are there to fool people who are looking for pregnancy termination help outnumber true abortion clinics by 3 to 1. We need to shut them down here in Massachusetts, and we need to shut them down all around the country. You should not be able to torture a pregnant person like that."

That's astonishing from multiple perspectives. Sen. Warren apparently thinks that using the government to stop private citizens from persuading women to carry a baby to term is a legitimate function of government. First, the thought that the government should be used to silence people stands in direct opposition to the First Amendment. That makes Sen. Warren a marxist, which is defined as "the collective term for the economic, social, and political philosophy of Karl Marx. In particular, the philosophy states that capitalism is a self-destructive system that eventually leads to a revolution of the working class so that they can establish a classless society." Next, if abortion is such a great idea, why shut crisis pregnancy centers down using brute government force?

Warren's approach shuts down debate. If I've got the better argument on whatever issue we're discussing, I can't wait to debate. That's how you change hearts and minds. Sen. Warren's approach creates bitter, long-lasting divisions between people.

Notice Sen. Warren's priorities for shutting the CPCs:

those crisis pregnancy centers that are there to fool people who are looking for pregnancy termination.
It's one thing to read the words. It's another to watch Sen. Warren's rant and hear the vitriol in her voice:

That's what a monster sounds like:
"You should not be able to torture a pregnant person like that," Warren said.
Elizabeth Warren is pro-abortion. She isn't pro-choice. AOC is no better. Hearing these words makes it altogether believable to think that there's a wing of the Democrat Party that favors abortion-on-demand until the birthing moment. Compare Sen. Warren with a true giant of the Senate:
Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, D-N.Y., a longtime abortion rights supporter, is breaking with his own party to condemn a controversial late-term abortion procedure as tantamount to infanticide.

In interviews over the past week and a half, Moynihan has become one of the most prominent and influential pro-choice lawmakers to say they would vote to override President Clinton’s veto of legislation to ban what’s been termed "partial-birth″ abortions.

"It is as close to infanticide as anything I have come upon in our judiciary,″ Moynihan told reporters Friday. "I would vote to override the veto.″

Sen. Warren is just a nasty person. She should be seen as a pariah. Instead, she's seen as a leader in the Democrat Party. How barbaric is that?


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