Who will be Joe Biden's Dem replacement

If Joe Biden doesn't run for re-election, it won't surprise anyone. Still, Democrats face a difficult decision in picking his replacement at the top of their ticket in 2024. VP Harris has earned 2 unflattering nicknames that say everything about her chances: the Cackling Pantsuit and Biden's Insurance Policy.

If Harris is the Democrats' nominee in '24, Democrats will lose with fewer than 150 electoral votes. Republicans might finish Election Night 2024 with a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate if Ms. Harris is the nominee.

If Mayor Pete is the Democrats' nominee, the bloodbath will be roughly the same as the Harris bloodbath. Mayor Pete's mishandling of the baby food shortage and the supply chain shortages have exposed him as a identity politics candidate. His work ethic will be challenged, too, after taking 2 months off after adopting 2 children. He isn't a top-tier candidate.

Biden's failed presidency will tie a millstone around the Democrat nominee's neck. He's failed in every major policy category imaginable. The biggest failure of the Biden administration, though, is that he's doubled down on his jihad on fossil fuels. Whenever people fill up their car, they grit their teeth. Each time they pay their monthly utility bill, people get upset.

That won't stop until Democrats stop doubling down on fossil fuel stupidity. That isn't likely to happen until there's a GOP president. Joe Biden isn't interested in changing. Biden's interested in doubling down. Biden reminds me of something my dad always used to say. He'd say "Stupidity is what gets you in trouble. Pride is what keeps you there."

The current group of prospective Democrat presidential candidates are unimpressive, socialists or both. The only guy that's sane is Joe Manchin. Unfortunately for Blue Dog Democrats, he'd be rejected by the Squad.

Which would you rather have? A president with mean tweets but gets the big decisions right? Or a liar who thinks too highly of himself and gets the big decisions wrong? Check this out:

Joe's policies have crippled families, not helped. Biden's policies have cut families' buying power, not increased it. The worst part is that Biden is too stupid to understand how much damage he's doing.

Whoever the Democrats' presidential nominee is in 2024, let's hope that we get a Republican president.


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