Kevin Walling, Democrat moderate?

Kevin Walling is often called a moderate Democrat when appearing on Fox. This article is proof that he is the personification of a moderate Democrat. That isn't meant as a compliment. As with those Democrats campaigning for elected office, Kevin Walling plays a moderate because he's closer to center-left than the members of the Squad.

First, Walling spent a paragraph telling us what we've rejected. He said "Americans are hurting and hurting badly. Parents are struggling to find baby formula, gas prices have never been higher, and food prices across most products are inching higher every month. Global supply chains were already severely hurt by COVID-19, compounded recently by China’s inability to get the Coronavirus under control. Russia’s unprovoked and illegal invasion of Ukraine has exacerbated both the inflation crisis (especially when it comes to the price of oil) and supply chain issues."

Then he said "Republicans are practically gleeful given these circumstances and quick to lay the blame solely with the president. In a rare moment of unguarded honesty, Senator Rick Scott, R-FL, who leads the GOP Senate campaign arm, declared in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, 'We’re going to continue to have inflation and then the interest rates will go up. This is a gold mine for us.'"

What Walling omitted is that we'll have inflation for the forseeable future because Joe Biden won't change policies. Biden has twice released oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. That's failed. Biden has shut down oil production on federal land. He's also restricted approval of pipeline permits, which limits the ability to get oil out of the ground to refineries. Oil doesn't magically transport itself from the well to the refineries. It requires infrastructure.

The Biden administration has also implemented rules that limit banks from financing for fossil fuel projects, instead directing investment banks to finance green energy projects. Then there's the Biden administration's new rule that essentially guts the NEPA reforms implemented by the Trump administration. Those reforms would've streamlined the permitting process and reduced wait times from 10-15 years to 2-3 years.

If you throw a wrench in any of these parts of the process, the entire process stops. The Biden administration has thrown wrenches into each step in the process. Then they blame everyone else for the things they've quietly done to sabotage the fossil fuel industry.

Let's correct another of Mr. Walling's intentional misstatements. He wrote "Republicans are practically gleeful given these circumstances and quick to lay the blame solely with the president." First, Republicans are the people who are proposing solutions to the oil inflation crisis. Joe Biden and his communications team repeatedly have told us that there's nothing they can do to fix the problem. Republicans aren't happy with the situation American families find themselves in. That's why they're proposing solutions. The things that Democrats have proposed haven't worked. Have they tried Plan B or Plan C? Nope. Instead, they've kept doubling down on stupid:

Instead of increasing oil production, Biden ordered the shortage of grains, thereby creating inflation in food and oil. Why ruin the oil industry when you can create inflation in the oil and food industries?


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