Joe Biden's delusional statements

For months, people have criticized Joe Biden's "gaffes." For months, I've rejected those euphemisms. What most people call gaffes are either Joe Biden's lies or proof of Joe's dementia. This tweet isn't proof of Joe's dementia. It's just another Biden lie.

The tweet says "At the time I took office about 16 months ago, the economy had stalled and COVID was out of control.

Today, thanks to the economic plan and the vaccination plan that my Administration put into action, America has achieved the most robust recovery in modern history."

GDP Facts

First, the economy hadn't stalled before Biden took office. In Q3 of 2020, GDP was almost 35%. That's the largest quarter of growth in US history. In Q4 of 2020, GDP grew by 4.8%. In Q1 of 2021, GDP grew by 6.5%.

By comparison, GDP for Q1 of 2022 contracted by 1.5%. The Fed says that GDP is growing by 1.3% this quarter, which is Q2 of 2022.


It doesn't take an economist to know that those GDP figures don't qualify as the "most robust recovery in modern history." Further, with CPI at 8.3%, people's real wages adjusted for inflation are shrinking. That's why people are using their credit cards more now than a month ago. That can't go on forever, which means that a recession is imminent.

The ladies on Fox Business gave Biden the tongue-lashing he deserves:

Here's Biden's tweet: It's time to put Gramps out to pasture. Clearly, he's lost it. Factor in on top of it that he's never been that bright. Mix that together and you've got a hot mess unfit for duty.


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