James Freeman exposes Bidenflation

There's little doubt that Joe Biden wants to kill the fossil fuel industry. It's apparent that he sees that as the biggest part of his political legacy. Thankfully, James Freeman's column highlights how Biden is playing 2 different games on energy.

In public, he has to say that he's doing everything he can to bring down gas prices. Once he's back in his office, though, a sinister Joe Biden comes to life. According to Freeman's column, "Every week it seems the White House has a new political gimmick intended to suggest opposition to high gasoline prices. But beneath the public relations, voters should observe the broad administrative campaign to make energy more expensive. As if Washington doesn’t already have enough environmental regulators, Biden appointees with no expertise on the subject and no authorization from Congress are attempting to enact climate rules that don’t even appear to be legal."

Joe Biden isn't trusted by the voters because they think, correctly, that he's a conniver. He says things like he isn't anti-fossil fuels, citing as fact that his administration has produced oil per year than Trump's administration. I'd hope so. Trump's final year of oil production was ruined by 6 months of the economy being shut down by COVID. That doesn't mean that Biden isn't shutting down ANWR, exploration on federal lands and new leasing and permitting, which are essential to drilling and refining.

Last week this column noted the pushback from Senate Republicans to a pending SEC rule that would impose on companies of all kinds vast new reporting requirements on global-warming risks. This is the Biden whole-of-government approach to discouraging the use of fossil fuels, forcing companies to publish more data that may have no impact on profitability but will be useful for climate activists seeking to attack business.
Then there's this:
The Commission’s rulemaking powers simply do not authorize it to require disclosure of the vast quantities of immaterial information the Proposal contemplates.

In effect, though nominally framed as an investor protection initiative, the Proposal represents a roundabout way of regulating greenhouse gas emissions themselves, by handing a weapon to climate advocates. Environmental regulation is, however, not within the scope of the Commission’s statutory ambit... Equally concerning, the Commission has no special competence, let alone expertise, in climate science. As its mission suggests, its expertise is limited to financial markets. Moreover, the Commission is not the appropriate body to regulate climate-related matters, even if framed in terms of investor protection...

This administration is all-in on climate change activism. That's why they're utilizing whatever tool they think is available. If most of their policies fall short but a few get through, Democrats get to say that they advanced their cause. The semi-good news is that Jay Powell isn't buying the Putin Price Hike chanting point:

What's needed to rebuild the economy are lower taxes, increased deregulation of the oil and gas industries and a rejection of Bidenomics, aka socialism. Janet Yellen should be fired, as should Brian Deese, Jennifer Granholm and Pete Buttiegieg. They're what I call the 'Never will be ready for primetime players.'


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