A battle of misfits: Joe Biden vs. Rick Scott

Rick Scott likely thinks that he's putting the Biden administration on the defensive. If Marco Rubio or John Kennedy was the messenger in the fight against Joe Biden, this fight would be called after 2 rounds, 3 rounds at the most.

Scott is the chairman of the GOP Senate Campaign Committee, aka the NRSC. Yesterday, Sen. Scott put out a TV ad that criticizes "Biden for 'destroying America's economy.'" Factually, that's an accurate statement.

Despite Scott's accurate statement, the Biden administration couldn't resist the temptation to reply. "White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates told Fox News Monday" replied, saying "Those are interesting words to choose about a President who inherited an economy in its worst state of crisis since the Great Depression and delivered historic economic growth and unprecedented job creation to make our recovery the strongest of any in the world." (Mr. Bates seems a little hot under-the-collar, doesn't he?) Bates then said this:

Tellingly, this comes from a senior member of Republican leadership whose hardcore MAGA agenda would be an economic nightmare for the middle class – raising taxes on 75 million working people while sunsetting Medicare and Social Security and requiring a super majority to ask the wealthy to pay their fair share. The President is actually taking on the global problem of inflation that’s hitting all over the world after covid – and lowering costs for families like energy and prescription drugs is his highest priority."
So many lies. I'd ask if Bates lies for a living if he wasn't a propagandist for the Biden administration. First, Biden didn't inherit "an economy in its worst state of crisis since the Great Depressiom."

The economy grew by 33.5% in Q3 of 2020. It grew by 4.8% in Q4 of 2020. Then it grew by 6.5% in Q1 of 2021, when Biden took over. By Q1 of 2022, Biden had implemented part of his economic agenda. He'd also run the economy into the ground. In Q1 of 2022, the economy shrunk by 1.5%. The Atlanta Fed started Q2 of 2022 by predicting growth for Q2 would be 1.9%. Then Atlanta revised downward to 1.3%. Now, it's revised downward again, now predicting growth of just 0.9%, which means the economy is contracting quickly.

We might already be in a recession. If we aren't, we're within whispering distance of it. Second, Biden didn't deliver "historic economic growth" nor is the U.S. recovery "the strongest ... in the world." That's a verifiable lie. The U.S. economy isn't growing, which means it isn't "historic economic growth."

This is BS:

The President is actually taking on the global problem of inflation that’s hitting all over the world after covid – and lowering costs for families like energy and prescription drugs is his highest priority."
Mr. Bates must think we're idiots. Biden isn't lowering gas prices. The national average gas price on Inauguration Day, 2021 was $2.39/gallon. Yesterday, that average had jumped to $5.01/gallon. In 18 months under Biden, the national average has more than doubled. In this video, Biden says he understands that people are anxious about inflation:

The reasons for their anxiety are that inflation is continuing its climb, the wrong policies are in place and Joe Biden is economically illiterate. The reason why we haven't hit peak inflation is because Biden hasn't changed his counterproductive policies, especially on energy.

We might see a drop in inflation if Biden's recession hits but will be a temporary reprieve if Biden doesn't stop his jihad on fossil fuels. The minute we come out of the recession, demand will increase. That means we'll be right back to square one with inflation. There's no learning from the second kick from a mule.

In cribbage, the best way to throw a bad hand is away. Right now, we've got a bad hand. The fastest way to straightening this out is by throwing out the idiots who voted for these policies ASAP.


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