The devil went down to Georgia

In 1979, the Charlie Daniels Band introduced their hit song The Devil Went Down to Georgia.' It instantly shot up the charts. In 2021, a different 'devil' went down to Georgia. His name is Joe Biden and he came loaded with tons of disinformation about Georgia's new election reform law.

As Katie Pavlich wrote in this Townhall article, Biden wasn't alone in lying about the new Georgia law. Woke corporations like Delta Airlines and Coca-Cola jumped into the fight. Major League Baseball pulled its All-Star Game out of Atlanta because Rob Manfred, MLB's commissioner, went woke, too.

Stacey Abrams, the loser who still hasn't admitted she lost the 2018 gubernatorial election, insisted that the voting reform law would suppress the vote. She said "#SB202 suppresses voters, criminalizes compassion and represents a massive power grab of election authority from local and state officials. #gapol. In my 11 years in the legislature, I never saw a bill approved at such speed. This wasn’t efficiency. Republicans want to hide their shameful actions from public scrutiny. Instead, they will see sunlight and legal action. Now more than ever, we need federal action to protect voting rights as we continue to fight against these blatantly unconstitutional efforts that are nothing less than Jim Crow 2.0."

When Joe Biden visited Atlanta University in January, he said this:

"Jim Crow 2.0 is about two insidious things: voter suppression and election subversion. It’s no longer about who gets to vote; it’s about making it harder to vote. It’s about who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all."
How did Biden's and Abrams' predictions turn out? They didn't turn out well for these Democrats:
And yet, this week a record number of Republican and Democratic voters went to the polls in Georgia and cast their votes.

"Georgians demonstrated their confidence in the state’s election integrity and ease of voting by showing up in record numbers during three weeks of early voting for the 2022 primary. Short lines, smooth easy ballot access, and confidence in ballot security brought out more than 850,000 to cast a ballot in person or return an absentee ballot. Compared early-voting turnout in recent primaries, this represented a 168 percent increase over the 2018, the last gubernatorial primary and a 212 percent jump above 2020, the last presidential primary year," the Office of the Georgia Secretary of State released.

This is the pack of lies that Democrats put out initially:

What a bold-faced liar Biden is. He's incompetent and corrupt but he isn't a man of integrity.


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