Scott Jensen's fast post-convention start

On Saturday, Scott Jensen won the Republican Party of Minnesota's endorsement to be their candidate for governor this November against DFL Gov. Tim Walz. It took 9 ballots to finally secure the 60% required for winning the endorsement. While that's a ton of ballots to secure the victory, it's well worth it for Jensen in the sense that this essentially ends the GOP race for governor.

While it's still legal to primary Dr. Jensen, that'd be foolish. Rich Stanek supposedly is considering primarying Dr. Jensen. He doesn't stand a chance. What's the rationale for his candidacy? While it's certain he'd be able to raise lots of establishment money, money isn't the key determining factor. Dr. Jensen will have the support of the activists. If Tim Pawlenty can't win a primary, why would Stanek have a legitimate shot at winning?

Dr. Jensen needs to do some things to defeat Tim Walz. First, he must win back the suburbs. This is a good year for that because Tim Walz hasn't done a thing to help with inflation. Also, Walz shut down schools and small businesses, some of which went bankrupt. That won't help Gov. Walz in the suburbs.

Tim Walz, with the DFL's help, proposed one-time stimulus checks and tons of new spending. The GOP, by comparison, wants permanent tax relief by lowering the bottom marginal tax rate from 5.35% to 2.8%. Unlike the DFL's plan, the GOP plan wouldn't create inflation. Unlike the DFL's plan, the Jensen/GOP plan will provide permanent tax relief to families.

The DFL plan would spend money on government programs while families need help with the rising cost of groceries, gas and home heating bills. The GOP/Jensen plan would directly help families. The DFL plan would help government more than it'd help families.

That's unacceptable. With a projected surplus of $9,250,000,000, Minnesotans shouldn't get a one-time rebate check. They should get ongoing permanent tax relief. The DFL/Walz plan delivers the former. The GOP/Jensen plan provides the latter.

It's time to elect a families-first candidate instead of electing a puppet of big government special interests. Anyone who's watched Gov. Walz the past 4 years knows that he's a puppet of the big government unions, especially Education Minnesota. It's time to put families first. It's time to elect Scott Jensen and Matt Birk.


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