Joe Biden's point of no return

It's getting pretty annoying hearing pundit after pundit say that there's tons of time until the midterm elections and that anything can still happen. While that's technically true, it isn't a stretch to remember Yogi Berra's famous saying that "Sometimes, it gets late here pretty early." Each time that Biden and his Democrats double down on Build Back Better, the Green New Deal or bailing out rich doctors with student loans, it cements the Democrats' image as being utterly out of touch with America.

While Biden's Democrats push student loan 'forgiveness', aka student loan bailouts for students with wealthy parents, families deal with inflation, corrupt teachers unions and a struggling economy. Each time a family fills up the family vehicle or buys groceries, they're reminded of the higher prices that they're paying.

Wednesday, Biden haphazardly delivered a partisan political speech. During the speech, Biden insisted that MAGA supporters are extremists with an extremist agenda:

Senator Rick Scott of Florida, a United States senator who is leading the Republican National Senatorial Campaign Committee, released what he calls the “Ultra-MAGA Agenda.” It’s a MAGA agenda all right.

Let me tell you about this Ultra-MAGA Agenda. It’s extreme, as most MAGA things are. It will actually raise taxes on 75 million American families, over 95 percent of whom make less than $100,000 a year.

Saying that this is Joe Biden's 'Basket of Deplorables' moment is obvious. The reality is that Biden's statement is Biden's indictment of 75,000,000 people. It's an indictment of truckers, rank-and-file border patrol agents, shop clerks and other blue collar workers. MAGA people aren't extremists. Just ask Karlyn Borosenko:
So, I headed over an hour and a half before the doors were scheduled to open—which was four hours before Trump was set to take the stage—and the line already stretched a mile away from the entrance to the arena. As I waited, I chatted with the folks around me. And contrary to all the fears expressed, they were so nice. I was not harassed or intimidated, and I was never in fear of my safety even for a moment. These were average, everyday people. They were veterans, schoolteachers, and small business owners who had come from all over the place for the thrill of attending this rally. They were upbeat and excited. In chatting, I even let it slip that I was a Democrat. The reaction: "Good for you! Welcome!"

Once we got inside, the atmosphere was jubilant. It was more like attending a rock concert than a political rally. People were genuinely enjoying themselves. Some were even dancing to music being played over the loudspeakers. It was so different than any other political event I had ever attended. Even the energy around Barack Obama in 2008 didn’t feel like this.

Imagine that. Trumpsters were upbeat, even friendly. So much for Joe Biden's claim that MAGA people are extremists:

Even Democrats are criticizing Biden:

I can't picture Joe Biden running a competent presidential campaign in 2024. He might still run but he's been exposed as a blowhard. People have seen him as incompetent since his botched Afghanistan pullout, too.


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