Joe Biden's gas price crisis

Joe Biden has a bunch of crises to deal with. Each is of his own creation. The border crisis is Biden's creation. It was stable under President Trump. Biden intentionally de-stabilized the border. The inflation crisis is Biden's creation. (Throw in an honorable mention to all the Democrats who voted for the massive spending bills.) Throw in the baby formula crisis, which started with Abbott, then metastasized when the FDA ignored the problem until it turned into a crisis.

Inflation is a crisis that's the biggest  problem in the nation. Whether you're in the desert southwest, the Pacific Northwest, the Plains States the Upper Midwest, the Great Lakes States, the Rust Belt, New England, the Bible Belt or the eastern seaboard, inflation is a crisis.

In California, inflated gas prices are a crisis. In California, gas prices rose 19 cents a gallon last week to  bring the statewide average above $6.00:

Gasoline prices statewide surged 19 cents in one week to top $6 a gallon here Wednesday, with analysts warning that California’s record prices could soar higher still and spread to the rest of the country.

It’s not much better nationwide, where all 50 states for the first time ever hit an average price above $4 a gallon. Democrats know they’re in trouble heading into the midterms and are promising to do everything they can to ease the pain at the pump. So far, it’s more talk than results-driven action.

President Biden weeks ago predicted gas prices would soon ease in response to steps he took, including a decision to release 180 million barrels of oil from the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve over the next six months. But prices have continued to rise, and Democrats haven’t budged off their talking points – blaming the record gas prices on the three Ps: the pandemic, Putin, and price-gouging.
Democrats remind me of people that my dad warned me about. He'd tell me that "Stupidity is what gets you in trouble. Pride is what keeps you there." The last Democrats with intellectual heft left government in 2001. Bill Clinton and Daniel Patrick Moynihan were men of intellectual heft. Joe Biden isn't a man of integrity or intellectual heft.

While Whoopi Goldberg thinks that Biden is blameless on high gas prices, Joe Concha set the record straight in this interview:


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