Is Uvalde a call to action?

Watching Fox News @ Night last night, I heard Kevin Walling, a moderate-sounding Biden campaign surrogate, repeat that what's needed as a result of the Robb Elementary shooting is "action." He isn't the only Democrat repeating that chanting point. That's something that virtually every Democrat has said since the shooting happened.

It's a fresher-sounding way of another Democrat saying. During Clinton's time in office, Democrats would say "Surely, we must do something." That sounds right but what's the right action. Unfortunately for Democrats, finding solutions requires thinking and thorough fact-gathering. In Uvalde, we aren't close to finishing the fact-gathering.

What's most disgusting is that Democrats apparently want the issue, not the solution. Barack Obama posted a tweet intended to stir up turmoil rather than work towards a solution. In the tweet, Obama wrote "As we grieve the children of Uvalde today, we should take time to recognize that two years have passed since the murder of George Floyd under the knee of a police officer. His killing stays with us all to this day, especially those who loved him."

If President Obama had wanted to prevent the mixing of 2 entirely different issues, he could've said something like 'Today marks the 2-year anniversary of George Floyd's violent. We grieve over his death but we celebrate his life.' Then 2 hours later, he could've tweeted something like 'While we grieve for the victims and their families, we celebrate the heroic actions of the BORTAC unit that ended the attack on these innocent children.'

Reminding people of Floyd's murder and calling them to come together wasn't Obama's objective. Like much of his presidency, his objective was to stoke division and cheapen tragedies with displays of partisanship. Obama and Biden aren't about healing our nation. They're about gaining political advantage whenever possible.

This isn't a time for action. It's a time for listening, healing and solutions. Actions alone aren't enough. Fixing the underlying problem is what's needed. Frankly, I don't think that government is capable of that.

Following right in the Obama-Biden footsteps is Robert Francis O'Rourke. With O'Rourke, like Obama and Biden, it's all about him:

Don't expect solutions from Obama, Biden and O'Rourke. Altogether too often, they're a partisan clown show. I'm not saying that Republicans are outstanding at this. I'm saying that the best Republicans (Jim Jordan, Larry Kudlow, Tom Cotton) are problem solvers who put nation first. Outside of Sen. Manchin, you won't find that in the Democrat Party.


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