Bidenflation: the portrait of failure

Larry Kudlow let Joe Biden have it Thursday during his opening riff. In the riff, Kudlow said "Take a look… 'Joe's Train Wreck' — 'gas hits a brutal $6 a gallon, border crisis gets worse, ministry of truth collapses, market drops 1,164 points — worst day in two years, baby formula disaster.'"

The only thing the Post missed was that the cavalry is coming because of Mr. Biden's train wreck and I want to generalize about this train wreck because in policy terms, it shows the complete breakdown and failure of the radical Left, progressive agenda or, as Newt Gingrich calls it, 'big government socialism.'"

If you wanted to demolish the U.S. of Hamilton, Jefferson and Madison, you'd do what Biden is doing. Biden is the opposite of these great statesmen. They believed in letting individuals defend themselves, speak for themselves and deal fairly with their fellow citizens. Equal justice under the law is a lofty goal. It's an aspirational goal that's rooted in the Bible. (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.)

Kudlow continued with this:
The only thing the Post missed was that the cavalry is coming because of Mr. Biden's train wreck and I want to generalize about this train wreck because in policy terms, it shows the complete breakdown and failure of the radical Left, progressive agenda or, as Newt Gingrich calls it, "big government socialism."
Contrary to former President Obama's insistence, Democrats don't have a great story to tell. Democrats can't talk about the FDA because they, along with Abbott, caused the baby formula shortage. Democrats can't talk about gas prices because AAA reported that, thanks to the Democrats' energy policy of scarcity, the average price of a gallon of gas is $4.59. Democrats can't talk about solving the supply chain problem because Pete Buttigieg hasn't fixed the problem.

If Democrats, who control the White House, the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, want to turn their image around, they should fix these problems instead of insisting that there's nothing they can do about these crises. The U.S. was built on the premise that we are the can-do nation. Throughout U.S. history, problems got fixed when they were identified. Harry Truman famously said that the buck stops with him. Joe Biden insists that the proverbial buck never enters the Oval Office.

Take the Ministry of Truth fiasco — another attempt by Biden's statism to control speech. Disagreement becomes misinformation. That's right, out of the old Soviet Union or today's China, or Venezuela or Cuba. That's what they do. That's not what America does.

Now, this silly little Mary Poppins lefty person, Nina Jankowicz, made it a laughingstock, but we should not lose track of a much more important point — that the Biden administration was trying to control free speech. Specifically, they were trying to control free speech that disagreed with their ideological viewpoints. That's radical progressivism.

The Democrats have gone so far left that their policies don't work. Inflation is through the roof. People are being forced to choose between eating or paying their monthly bills. The baby formula racks look like they're a picture from a third-world country.

The cavalry is coming. The only question left to answer is whether we'll have a nation left.


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