Jen Psaki's tears

Jen Psaki's recent rant against Florida's Parental Rights Bill shouldn't be taken seriously. While appearing on Jessica Yellin's News Not Noise podcast, Psaki said "This is an issue that makes me completely crazy. It’s like kids who are bullied and then all these leaders are taking steps to hurt them and hurt their lives and hurt their families."

Cry me a river, Jen. She's whining about something that hasn't happened yet. Which 5-year-olds or 6-year-olds have been bullied out of being trans? Better yet, have any 5-year-olds or 6-year-olds been bullied out of being trans? If they haven't been bullied, then this is just an attempt to play to parents' emotions. Until I see proof that 5-year-olds or 6-year-olds have been bullied because of this, I'm not buying Psaki's schtick. She hasn't earned the benefit of the doubt because of her deceptions.

The Florida Parental Rights Bill prohibits schools from teaching students in kindergarten through third grade about transgenderism and sexuality:

In a statement to Fox News, DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw called Psaki's podcast appearance "troubling."

"It’s troubling that a Biden administration official would break down in tears because of a law that protects parental rights," Pushaw said. "Why is it so important to her for teachers to instruct children in grades k-3 about transgenderism and sexuality?"

It's time to ask Ms. Psaki if she's read the bill she's cried about. It doesn't appear as though she has. The so-called 'Don't say gay Bill' doesn't say gay anywhere in the bill. It's worth noting that it doesn't say straight in the bill, either. It simply prohibits Florida schools from teaching kindergarten through third grade students about sexuality of any sort.

Whether Ms. Psaki is acting or whether she's getting genuinely emotional over the Bill is irrelevant. What's thoroughly apparent is that she didn't read the bill, as Joe Concha explains in this interview:

It's time for Ms. Psaki, aka Baghdad Barbara, to meander off to MSNBC where she won't be seen again. It's time to put her out of our misery.


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