Sartell-St. Stephen school board in trouble again

Apparently, the Sartell-St. Stephen school board didn't learn its lesson. They've again gotten caught tilting the Constitution against student of faith and towards an LGBTQ student group. According to the article, "Student-led groups were denied the right to advertise, yet the 'Gender and Sexuality Alliance' club, an LGBT organization, freely put up signs and individual stickers on classroom doors, according to parents. Kids over Politics 748 (KOP), the local non-partisan movement begun last year, seeking opportunity for all without discrimination, requested equal treatment in promoting clubs."

The article continues:

Co-founder Chris Yasgar said he’s simply asking the district to follow federal law.

"One group has been allowed to express ideas by placing signs and stickers throughout the school district, including on classroom doors, windows and walls," he said during the public forum portion Monday. "Other groups, organized under the exact same group umbrella, have been explicitly denied that same opportunity for expression."

Sartell Superintendent Jeff Riddlehoover has previously described KOP’s concerns as "noise" while a board member called them "conspiracy theories."

Yasgar noted that "this is not noise; this is not a conspiracy theory; this is viewpoint discrimination, and this is happening in your district. And we now have sufficient evidence to know that it is not coincidental. Those are the facts," he added. "One group is being excluded while another is being accommodated. It does not matter the composition of either group; the school cannot treat these students differently, yet as I speak today, you systematically are."

Mr. Riddlehoover needs to be removed ASAP. Standing up for all students' rights is required. A superintendent who doesn't stand up for all students' rights is failing. Further, Riddlehoover's dismissive attitude is disturbing. It's mindful of Terry McAuliffe's attitude towards parents. The board member who displayed a similar attitude needs competition the next time around and needs to be defeated. This warped thinking must disappear immediately:
Current School Board Chairman Patrick Marushin concluded the meeting with a commitment to gathering "input on potential solutions to provide a safe learning environment," which includes new safe space signs in all classrooms.

"The district will be putting up new safe space signs in all high school classrooms, indicating the space will be an environment that is free of bullying or discrimination of any kind," Marushin said.

That's treating a symptom. It isn't fixing a problem. People of all political backgrounds should oppose school bullying. Anyone who isn't opposed to preventing bullying isn't a person of integrity. Period.
Thank God for people like Chris Yasgar. Here's hoping he runs for the school board. It's time that board got shaken up.


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