Operation Ukrainian Liberty

It's time to throw away the metrics used to measure whether the U.S./NATO/EU response to the war in Ukraine is a success. At this point, the only metric that matters is whether Ukraine's military is throwing Putin's military out of Ukraine. While it's true that some sanctions are helping the Ukrainian military, the only true thing that matters is whether Putin's troops are thrown out of Ukraine.

Anyone thinking that Putin will call it a career after retaking Ukraine haven't studied him. They haven't paid attention to him recently, either. Putin wants Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland back in Russia's federation, most likely within the next 5 years.

The Biden administration continues clinging to their strawman argument against a no-fly zone. That's ancient history. There's a growing bipartisan (and bicameral) support for sending the MiG-29 jets from Poland to Ukraine. Additionally, this bipartisan group is pushing for beefing up air defense systems to protect Ukraine, especially Kyiv, from Russian airstrikes.

The newest option getting discussed by former generals on TV is the Russian S-300. Here's what Gen. Keith Kellogg told Fox News:

Speaking on Fox News, Keith Kellogg, formerly the national security advisor to Vice President Mike Pence, remarked that if the West won’t let Ukraine have additional MiG fighter jets to fend off Russian attackers, they should seek projectile-based help from certain NATO-member countries.

The general said two Balkan countries, Greece and Bulgaria, along with fellow NATO member Slovakia, all have S300 missile technology that itself was originally designed by Moscow.

Let's stop Putin immediately. The Russian military is demoralized. The Ukrainian military is understaffed but willing. They just need some additional equipment, equipment that NATO has.

All that's missing is a U.S. commander-in-chief, aka CinC, who's willing to say yes to victory. We've got a CinC who's willing to be supercautious. (He's been that way for 50 years.) Here's the Keith Kellogg interview:

There's no reason why U.S./NATO shouldn't be arming Ukraine to the teeth and unleashing the dogs. The upside is high. The downside is virtually non-existent. It's time to stop being cautious. It's time for winning.

It's time for Operation Ukrainian Liberty.


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