Joe Biden's weakness & confusion

 Last week was a week of weakness and confusion for Joe Biden. If you think that NATO didn't decide what they'd do to help Ukraine defeat Putin, then let's add indecision to weakness and confusion. First, let's deal with the confusion since there was so much of it.

When Biden was asked about whether NATO would respond to a chemical weapon attack, Biden said that there would be an "in-kind" response, meaning that NATO would respond with a chemical weapon attack of its own.

When Joe Biden visited the troops of the 82nd Airborne Division, he said "But the Ukrainian people, the Ukrainian people have a lot of backbone. They have a lot of guts. And I’m sure you’re observing it. And I don’t mean just the military, which is, we’ve been training since back when they uh, Russia moved into, into southeast, southeast Ukraine. But also the average citizen. Look at how they’re stepping up. Look at how they’re stepping up. And you’re gonna see when you’re there. And some of you have been there. You’re gonna see, you’re gonna see women, young people, standing, standing in the middle of, in front of a damn tank, just saying, 'I'm not leaving. I’m holding my ground.' They’re incredible."

Snopes insists that Joe Biden shouldn't be taken literally:

According to The Associated Press, Biden’s remarks were delivered in front of U.S. troops who were stationed in Poland near the border with Ukraine. They were there "to assist with the humanitarian emergency and to bolster the U.S. military presence on the eastern flank of NATO."
That explanation might've worked if not for Joe saying that the 82nd "would see ... women, young people ... standing in front of a damn tank."

Why would Biden call an American tank a "damn tank?" Why would it take guts for a Ukrainian to stand in front of an American tank in Poland? Watch Biden speak these words in this video:

It's almost 4 minutes into the video. Joe Biden wasn't talking about U.S. troops in Ukraine. I'm betting that Biden started ad-libbing about how tough Ukrainians legitimately are, then forgot what he was talking about, then went off-script. It's perfectly understandable given that Biden is cognitively in decline.

The 'highlight' of these lowlights, of course, is when Biden spoke about regime change. Antony Blinken didn't walk those 9 words back. He sprinted them back. The problem for the administration is that Biden insists that his administration isn't walking any of these statements back:

Final note: In this final video, Biden insists that his statement to the 82nd Airborne were about training Ukrainian troops. If that's true, which it isn't, why did Biden say "You’re gonna see, you’re gonna see women, young people, standing, standing in the middle of, in front of a damn tank, just saying, 'I'm not leaving. I’m holding my ground.'?" This guy is making this stuff up as he goes along. He's either lying intentionally or he's that confused. Either way, we have 2+ years of this type of frightening leadership left.

Joe Biden still hasn't committed to defeating Putin. Biden hasn't committed to fully arming Ukraine in a fight that Ukraine can win. Finally, Biden seems fine with battling Putin to a standstill. That's a defeatist attitude unworthy of a U.S. president.


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