Joe Biden, Russian agent

All throughout the Trump administration, Adam Schiff insisted that President Trump was a Russian agent. Forget the fact that Schiff didn't have a piece of evidence of that. Schiff insisted that the only explanation that fit his warped view of the world was that President Trump was President Putin's puppet. Perish that thought ASAP. The Mueller report and the IG report stated categorically that President Trump didn't collude with the Russians.

Let's understand why I'm insisting that Joe Biden is a Russian agent. I don't mean it literally. I'm saying it to highlight the fact that Biden's administration's decisions have benefited Russia, especially with regards to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Russia's cash cow, aka oil.

If we had a real president in the White House, Putin wouldn't have invaded in the first place. If Putin had invaded with a real president in office, we would've done everything possible to help Ukraine defeat Russia.

At today's NATO press conference, he was asked if the sanctions he'd previously imposed has deterred Putin:

"Sir, deterrence didn’t work. What makes you think Vladimir Putin will alter course based on the action you’ve taken today," Biden was asked by CBS reporter Christina Ruffini during a press conference at a NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium.

"Let’s get something straight. You remember if you covered me from the very beginning, I did not say that, in fact, the sanctions would deter him. Sanctions never deter. You keep talking about that. Sanctions never deter," Biden responded.

Apparently, Biden didn't get the memo:

Either Biden didn't get the memo or he forgot the contents of the memo. Either that or he thinks we forgot those other people's statements.

That's just a messaging problem. What's most troublesome is his policy problem. With Russia's military vastly underperforming expectations and Ukraine's military beating expectations, why isn't Biden thinking about helping Ukraine win this thoroughly winnable war? Remember that Gen. Milley predicted that Kyiv would fall within 3 days. It's still standing 30 days after Russia's invasion.

Remember the 40-mile long convoy converging on Kyiv? That convoy was supposed to take Kyiv, then install a pro-Russian puppet government. That didn't happen. They've dispersed or surrendered.

These are unmistakable signs that the Russian military isn't as formidable as Biden, Milley and Austin thought. It's time to adjust. It's time to give Ukraine the opportunity to defeat and humiliate Putin.

It's important to remember that a negotiated end to the hostilities would virtually guarantee Russia keeping parts of Ukraine. Once the hostilities end, Putin could return home, claim vicory and start rebuilding the military. After rebuilding, he'd be free to return to take the rest of Ukraine. That's a defeat for Ukraine.

If Biden won't give Ukraine the tools for victory, his administration should be ridiculed mercilessly. They're a disgrace.

Much is being said about NATO's unity throughout this invasion. Much of that is deserved. What isn't being talked about is NATO's humanity. Poland, Ukraine's neighbor, has taken in over 2,000,000 Ukrainian refugees. Why isn't NATO and the U.S. doing more to stop Russia's indiscriminate killing of women and children in Ukraine? Why hasn't the U.S. responded more forcefully to this?

In 1990, President Bush immediately said that Iraq's invasion of Kuwait would not stand. Lady Thatcher famously told Bush "George, don't go wobbly." He didn't. Instead, he pulled together a coalition of 30+ nations, including many of Iraq's neighbors. (More about this and some similarities with Ukraine in another post.)


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