Joe Biden, inflation & the midterms

Joe Biden had better buckle up for a disastrous midterm election cycle. Gallup's latest polling "shows that rising consumer prices are the top economic concern for Americans, with 17% of respondents calling the recent inflation spike the 'nation's most important problem.' That's up from 8% in January and 10% in February. In all, a majority of Americans, 59%, said they worry about cost-of-living expenses a 'great deal,' according to the poll, which was conducted March 1-18 with 1,017 adults. The margin of error is 4 percentage points."

Additionally, "Inflation doesn't dominate Americans' perceptions of the most important problem facing the country today the way it did in the early 1980s, but it's more top-of-mind than it's been in over three decades and appears to be taking a toll on Americans' broader economic confidence,' Gallup said in the survey." Simply put, people aren't giving Biden credit for decent job creation figures because families are getting hit hard with inflation. Families are getting his hard to fill up their cars. Then they're getting hit harder to heat their homes. Then they're getting hit hard to feed their families.

That's what happens when the Biden administration screwed up this nation's energy policies. That's what happens when the Fed keeps printing money to cover the Democrats' overspending. (I'm not saying that Republicans are blameless. I'm saying that Democrats are infinitely worse.) Democrats don't have a strong connection with integrity, either:

That's insulting. When Trump left office, he handed off a V-shaped recovery to Biden. Additionally, gas prices were low because we were energy independent. Third, inflation for 2020 was under 2%. Things went to hell in a handbasket because of Biden's policies.

Jen Psaki can spin this all she wants but it won't work. People are hurting as a result of this historic inflation. Whenever they pay their heating bill, they buy groceries or fill the car, they feel the pinch. It's impossible to spin hard realities. Finally, there's this:

The concern is more pronounced among lower-income families: 63% of families earning $40,000 or more said they were very concerned, compared with 58% of those earning $100,000 or more. There was also a political divide, with 79% of Republicans saying they were seriously worried about inflation, versus 35% of Democrats.
With inflation this high, why aren't Democrats more worried? Just 35% of Democrats are worried about inflation? What gives with that? Inflation should frighten Democrats ahead of this year's midterms.


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