Chuck Todd is the personification of stupidity and partisanship

It's frightening what types of stupid things can be heard while watching MSNBC hosts. This article quotes Chuck Todd as saying "There was this focus group - and it’s qualitative, not quantitative - where swing voters, Trump-Biden voters seem to buy the idea that Putin wouldn’t have done this in Trump was president. How does the Democratic Party answer for that?" Then Todd continued, saying "I don’t buy that. I don’t think that matches logic, but voters do. That's a perception issue."

Actually, it's a fact problem. During the Trump administration, Putin behaved himself, relatively speaking, and didn't threaten Ukraine. That's largely because Trump shipped massive quantities of Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine. Some were part of an aid package. Others were sold outright to President Zelenskiy. Trump and Zelenskiy projected a no-nonsense image to Mr. Putin.

Further, Trump's version of Drill, Baby, Drill kept oil prices cheap. It isn't coincidental that Putin's expansionist agenda emerges when oil is cheap and there's a weak leader in the White House.

"Fifty-one percent believe the economy is in a recession or depression. I mean, look, it’s just not true," Todd exclaimed after NPR reporter Ayesha Rascoe argued that Biden wasn't able, as president, to actually do anything about the rising inflation rates plaguing the country, citing a USA Today-Suffolk University poll.

"This economy is frustrating. This economy with COVID has been — I’ve got money and I can’t find something. But my god, there’s jobs. There’s good jobs," he added. "Is this the right-wing echo chamber is better than the Democratic echo chamber? Or is there something else missing here?"

What Todd's missing is the fact that inflation is stealing families' income. When wages are up 5.1% year-over-year but inflation is up 7.9% year-over-year, that's a significant loss in families' buying power. Inflation is a wealth thief. This video highlights Todd's thinking:

SIDENOTE: Jennifer Palmieri replied to Todd's echochamber question by saying "For sure, the right-wing echochamber is always better than the left-wing echochamber. It's not that the left-wing echochamber isn't smarter or more strategic than the right-wing echochamber. It's that we just don't repeat what we're told to say and we never will." What rubbish! Get a Democrat off their chanting points and they're lost. They can't explain their way out of a wet paper sack after that.

Summarizing is simple in this case. We have 4 years of affirmative proof that Putin didn't invade Ukraine during Trump's administration. Finally, there's this to enjoy:


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