Save America. Kill inflation.

According to Larry Kudlow's Monday riff, the path to low inflation is pretty straightforward. According to Mr. Kudlow, the path to low inflation is to "pause spending, reform welfare and curtail the Fed's money supply." Included in Kudlow's riff was some criticism of Speaker Pelosi, too.

On the Pelosi/inflation front, Kudlow said "Now, we had an interesting inflation analysis this weekend from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. On one of the Sunday shows she said sky-rocketing inflation is due to more people entering the workforce. Really?"

Next, he quotes Ms. Pelosi, saying "I quote: 'The fact that people have jobs always contributes to an increase in inflation. And that's a good thing,' Pelosi said, 'but inflation is not good, you know, we have to contain it.'" That's where Kudlow takes issue with Ms. Pelosi. In his riff, Kudlow notes that "More people working is unambiguously good for America and more people working never causes inflation. Inflation is too much money chasing too few goods. The more people who work means more people are producing goods."

Save America, kill inflation. Why? Because the 7.5% inflation tax is destroying working folks' pocketbooks and devaluing the wages they earn and the root cause of the inflation is way too much government spending, too many social programs without workfare, and vastly too much money creation by the Federal Reserve.

It's not hard, just common sense. Those three factors: Too much spending, too many incentives not to work and produce, and too much money creation. That latter point on the Fed is probably the biggest factor of all. Now, we had an interesting inflation analysis this weekend from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. On one of the Sunday shows she said sky-rocking inflation is due to more people entering the workforce. Really?

This video shows how wrong Joe Biden is about inflation:

A few days ago, Joe Biden insisted that the microchip shortage was responsible for one-third of the inflation. According to Mssrs. Kudlow and Hyman, "73% of the items in the CPI saw rises of 3% or higher." That's proof that inflation isn't focused on one item but is spread out across multiple categories. Solving the microchip shortage will undoubtedly help inflation but that won't get inflation low again, especially if Biden doesn't fix energy inflation.

At this point, Biden is too stubborn to admit that his Green New Deal energy policies are hurting families. Humility isn't Joe Biden's strength.

Then, later, Ms. Pelosi said, that one of President Biden's great accomplishments is the rescue package from last April that has put money in people's pockets. Now that's not an achievement, it was a failure. It caused high inflation because it created too much demand.

Even worse because it's government income without work requirements and created more demand and less supply at the same time, and that is in fact one of the principal causes of the raging inflation we have right now.

There's no doubt that the Fed's easy money policies have created much of this inflation problem. Similarly, there's no doubt that the Democrats' wild spending has contributed mightily to inflation.


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