Robust growth will kill Bidenflation

I'm old enough to remember when inflation was less than 2%, the U.S. was energy independent and energy dominant and minority unemployment rates were the lowest in U.S. history. They happened during the bad old days (according to Joe Biden and Jen Psaki) of the Trump administration.

Pre-COVID, blue collar wages were rising faster than white collar wages were increasing. Gas prices were cheap. My home heating bill was significantly cheaper than it is today. Most importantly to families, their paychecks stretched much farther than they do today.

Rumor has it that Joe Biden's State of the Union Address, aka SOTU Address, will focus on Biden's accomplishments. Comedians on the Gutfeld Show half-kiddingly say this should make for one of the shortest SOTU Addresses in the history of televised SOTU Addresses.

There are several things needed to kill inflation. First, it's necessary for the Fed to stop printing money. That's got to stop immediately. Period. Next, it's required to fix the Democrats' misguided energy policies. Third, we need a robust, growing economy that's affecting all sectors and industries of the U.S. economy.

To produce more requires more workers. That requires fewer people collecting unemployment. When production increases, the too-many-dollars-chasing-too-few-goods crisis disappears. This video does a nice job of explaining what's going wrong with inflation:

The Democrats' obsession with waging jihad with fossil fuels is foolishness on industrial-strength steroids. Higher energy prices infiltrate every part of the economy. It affects home-heating budgets. It affects gas prices for driving to work. It affects grocery costs through higher transportation costs.

Biden's regulations on energy have driven up energy costs, too. Part of that inflationary pressure comes from decreased investment in energy. Another part of that comes from reduced production of energy products. It's time to pay attention to how Biden's policies have failed us.

That leads us to the final point -- robust economic growth. First, eliminating impediments to growth virtually assures growth. That's because the incentives to invest in the economy improve. Next, reducing regulatory impediments will reduce the cost of producing things, whether we're talking about energy or manufactured products.

Joe Biden won't make these changes. His special interest allies won't let him. What's required is a total transformation of the federal government. Democrats are too wedded to climate change cultism to allow energy independence. Democrats are too wedded to massive spending and printing money to control inflation. Republicans love spending, too. It's just that they aren't trying to expand LBJ's Great Society.


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