Politicians puzzled at America's Awakening

Most people who follow the news noticed that Joe Biden's honeymoon pretty much ended in Afghanistan, especially after 13 soldiers died in Kabul. This article isn't about politics as much as it is about questioning what type of America we want to live in. Do we want to live in an America where partisanship rules? Or would we prefer an America where people do the right thing for the right reasons?

We aren't living in an America where people consistently do the right things for the right reasons. Salena Zito's article opens by saying "The half-circle of 13 chairs that framed the statue of President Harry Truman in the heart of the historic Independence Square this past fall was placed there in the days after 13 American soldiers were killed in the attack on the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, in late August." It sets the stage for the rest of the article, which is an indictment of the media and this administration's responsiveness. The article continues:

The flags on either side of Truman flew at half-mast, with the chairs bearing the names of each service member lost in that attack. All hailed from small-town corners of our country. Their average age was 22. Eleven were Marines, one was a member of the Army, one a Navy medic. Youth court students and volunteers in the community had placed the memorial there.

They weren’t alone. Memorials like this were placed in bars, front yards, and town squares all across the country. Some of them still stand.

The loss of these brave service members marked the beginning of an awakening. Many people stepped outside the comfort of their political beliefs and began to question everything coming out of the government.

Few national journalists noticed it at its inception because few national journalists leave their desks or disconnect from Twitter long enough to listen to people outside of their bubble. Had they listened, they would have heard the questions and the doubts.

The more Joe Biden's White House stubbornly and willfully refused to answer questions and insisted it had acted rightly, the more distrust in government grew.

What type of America do you want to live in? Do we want to live in an America where a higher priority is put on accountability than on maintaining a do-nothing majority? Do you want to live in an America where public safety is re-imagined and neighborhoods aren't safe? Do you want to live where the media ignores the crisis? This is when American lost faith in their media:

The polling shows that people don't like this nation's policies. Crime is running rampant. Inflation is stealing buying power from every family. This nation's borders are open. Local government, starting with school boards, don't listen to the people. The CDC is guided more by politics than science.

The MSM is complicit in this Great Deterioration. Immigration stories don't appear on CNN or MSNBC. Fox is the only cable network covering the border. Fortunately, they're doing an outstanding job with that assignment. MSNBC and CNN trip over themselves to make it sound like we don't have a crime problem. This 'debate' between Tucker Carlson and Greg Gutfeld illustrates the point:

Thankfully, there are reporters who aren't attached to their cubicles, reporters who actually report things from outside DC or NYC. Bill Melugin is always must-see-TV. Julio Rosas, Andy Ngo, Richie McGinniss and Kyle Hooten are trustworthy, too.

If we want to live in a great nation again, we need reporters with integrity. Tolerating political hatchetmen that pitch 'Russia, Russia, Russia' is the fast track to stupidity.

Complimenting people who do the right things for the right reasons incentivizes people to do the right thing. Working on that is important. Tracking who's up and who's down is a waste of time. Let's focus on what's important.


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