Joe Biden's war on fossil fuels is hurting U.S. national security

Within an hour of his inauguration, Joe Biden started taking a torch to U.S. national security and U.S. prosperity. He did that by waging war on U.S. energy independence. That means Scranton Joe really doesn't care about blue collar workers. Years ago, Scranton Joe said that he didn't want George W. Bush to tell him what Bush's priorities were. Instead, he wanted Bush to show then-Sen. Biden his budget. From there, Joe said that he'd tell W what W's priorities were.

In his opening riff Wednesday, Larry Kudlow exposed Joe Biden's energy policies as identical to those of the Democrats' environmental activist wing. What the Democrats' environmental activists want, the Democrats give them.

What the U.S. hasn't figured out yet is that the Democrats' weak-on-fossil-fuels policies hike gas prices at home while strengthening Russia and Iran internationally. When the price for a barrel of oil spikes, Putin starts thinking 'Russian expansion'. When oil prices spike, Iran's terrorist proxies get more funding. What part of that sounds like a calm, stabilized Middle East? What part of that sounds like a stabilized Europe?

From Kudlow's riff:

This administration has at least temporarily ruined America’s great fossil fuel industry, the world's finest. Two years ago, we were virtually energy independent, producing over 13 million MBDs per day.

Today we're still stuck around 11 MBDs per day. Demand has recovered, but production has not. That is because from the very beginning of his presidency, Joe Biden and his far-left minions unceasingly attacked fossil fuels on a daily basis. In his first hour after inauguration, he ended the Keystone Pipeline.

Shutting down our own oil wells wasn't a mistake by Biden, at least in his mind. It's a feature. The high inflation that it created is the price he's willing to force us to pay for his ideology.

Kudlow finished his riff with this:

I know self-praise is no praise, but with an enormous sense of humility, I’m grateful to still be in this chair and thankful for your support, and you know what, folks? I've had a better year than Biden has.
This is his riff in video form:

Frankly, few people have had a more difficult year than 'Scranton Joe'. We started his administration with bullish economic growth, low inflation and energy independence. These days, inflation is spiking, economic growth is ok and energy independence is a thing of the past.

To use a phrase from Reagan's debate with Jimmy Carter, "a receession is when your neighbor loses his job, a depression is when you lose your job and the recovery starts when Jimmy Carter loses his job." In 2024, swap out Jimmy Carter's name and replace it with Joe Biden's name.


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